the shivering isles or blood moon. Dragonborn felt only slightly larger than point lookout to me despite the great quality.
Probably 2-3. Skyrim's model of big expansions and maybe a small extra with some more experimental gameplay mechanics would work great.
The content of those DLCs, though? I am hoping for them to simply bolt on extra worldspace to the map. Same way that the Morrowind landmass mods are doing. One day I may be able to walk from Vvardenfel to Summerset Isle, just as one day I may be able to walk from Boston to New York with DLCs and mods together.
Would anyone be apposed to, instead of say 2-3 small dlcs... one large expansion pack?
Expansion packs are good. Would much prefer one large piece of connected content instead of a series of more or less disconnected content .
One large expansion would be cool, if it covered everything a few smaller packs would. But in terms of value, I'm not sure; even if it was huge, a $30 or $40 expansion is really different from two $20 or $15 expansions and a few $5 ones. I don't think they should charge more than $30 for an expansion, tops, no matter how much content it adds.
To that end, I thought their model for Oblivion with KotN at $10 and Shivering Isles at $30 was a great value; it was the smaller DLCs like Horse Armor that fell apart. For Skyrim, I think Dawnguard and Dragonborn would have had a better reception initially were they sold at $15 - but in retrospect, both of those DLCs definitely justified a $20 price tag for the content they added. And Hearthfire felt perfect at $5; if it wasn't so damn buggy. :T
Perhaps we can buy a reskinned Cattle Dog for Dogmeat as a DLC!
Indeed. My thoughts are on having a whole new city type area as a large expansion pack. Take a city that wouldn't be great for a full game, but good for a dlc... It would be better than developing 2 or 3 different locals. I'm not sure off the top of my head which cities would work good, but I'm sure there could be a few close to boston that would work well for a dlc, and expand the fallout lore more.
They could still do a few smaller dlcs, maybe more mission related, add a weapons pack with more modification types, more things that can be built for settlements, basically expand what is already in the game.... while also giving new content.
don't mind maybe 2-4 and a pre war theme DLC would be nice.
Roody: I dont think they would do that. It seems pretty railroady to me (that part of the game). You wake up, change your gender/face, pick a name. Talk to a Vault Tech salesman, listen to the tv, see your kid then race to the vault. Im not sure there is much room there for DLC. I think its more than likely we will see some sort of simulation type device again to experience the old world
I have a feeling the DLCS will at least speak to the new elements in the game. Settlement construction (ie a DLC might add new locations /types of buildings) and so on.
Yea thats what i was thinking but its a good opportunity to choose some history for our SS.
hmm okay, from what you originally typed it read like you wanted a DLC set pre war. Not a DLC set in a simulated pre war
(Talking real and non real in a computer game is weird! )
Well there have been a few forum posts here by others about the Memory Den, the bar looking place in Diamond City in the game. It could be a place to go there to forget the present and relive anothers past. Maybe people might sell their memories and you get to experience them. I think Id prefer them to go this way... perhaps you get to experience a random episode of Grognak or something. I dont want another Operation Anchorage.
Lol, I could understand them making those short DLC missions when New Vegas as a 50 hour game. This game will be 400 hours. It doesn't make any sense to have 6 hour DLC costing $10 when that is the case.
Question how relevant an small DLC will be with mods. Hearthfire was basically an high quality housing mod for consoles.
Yes its likely to sell decently but probably not so well as Hearhfire.
Now if they also add features who lots of mods will use in the DLC it will become pretty much required.
My guess is 3 DLC like Dawnguard, 4 is lucky.
It also depend on the stories they want to tell. If they add an landmass should they make it large with lots of side quests, or keep size down and rather do more DLC.
Yes its also an issue Fallout 3 and NV was much smaller in scope than TES games, yes some can be explained with better quests rather than the linear quests in TES but still.
It looks like Fallout 3 will be far larger than Fallout 3
Todd Howard said Fallout 4's world size is comparable with Skyrim, but without as many mountains. So, par for the course; it's not significantly larger than what Bethesda usually does.
good point , so could be we will see maybe 2 DLC s similair in concept and structure as the dawnguard dlc introducing a whole new story line into the already exsisting gameworld
I've done a complete 180 on short DLC. I forgot about all the OP weapons you get from DLC campaigns. I will probably buy them just for that.