Have you ever actually READ and End User License agreement? You know, the wall of text you AGREE to when you install a piece of software?
If you had, you would know that you DO NOT OWN THE SOFTWARE. You purchased a license to RUN the software that the publisher allows you to install In order to AGREE to that license, you have to also agree to ALL the small fine print that the publisher puts in the EULA. You either agree and can use the software or don't and it won't install....simple.
On consoles, it's a bit different, but on a PC (or any computer sold since Microsoft first published MS BASIC) I doubt you have ever actually OWNED any software that you didn't write from scratch (and even then, there are licenses stipulations with library code from the language publisher that likely means you don't really own those parts of the code).
BTW, this little difference between owning the code and owning a license to RUN the code is why Bill Gates is so effin' rich....He convinced IBM to buy BASIC (and eventually MS-DOS) that way and it's been like that with all software ever since.