Right, I've only read the first page and I don't know how to multiquote properly (might be a limitation of my tablet browser), but I feel the need to respond to a couple of Redguard King's points even if they've already been addressed on Page 2 or 3.
Size limitations, download speeds and whiney gamers. Size and download speed us simply a non-issue. No point even bringing it up, I know for a fact that every single one of my friends on the Xbox One have bought External Hard Drives. Personally, I have a 5TB External HDD which I saw as a necessary purchase before I even got the console itself. You're obviously stereotyping console gamers as ignorant or stupid there, but I can assure you, the ones you hear whining are a vocal, immature minority. We take our hardware and resources as seriously as PC gamers, it's just that most console gamers either don't have the money, or don't have the time/motivation to build a usable gaming PC. Most of my friends had gaming PCs, but couldn't be bothered maintaining and upgrading them, so they just got a console instead.
And yes, some gamers whine. They can be console gamers or PC gamers. If someone is too stupid to "figure out" how to install/use mods and/or ignorant of the potential risks, then they get what they deserve. This is not a PC/Consoles split, it is a competency/ineptitude divide and it spans the whole human race.
The other point I take issue with is (and I'm slightly paraphrasing) "Consoles have always been stripped down PCs".
Right. That is definitely something I have to stand against. Console architecture has most definitely akin to PCs for the last 3 generations (including the current one), but prior to this, the differences were far more stark and consoles were very specialised hardware systems. Consoles were very much in their own market, with their own games and their own audience and crossover with PC titles/ports has been a very slow progression since the mid 90s to where we are today.
I think what bothers me more is the subtext of the statement. Sure, the "always" bothers me, but it's the implication that PCs have (by logical process) "always been superior to consoles". That's a very ugly concept and one that ignores the sheer amount of games and gameplay features that wouldn't exist if it were not for the "peasant consoles", not to mention the possibility that 1983 could've caused a lot more long lasting harm if it weren't for "inferior consoles" reviving the entire gaming industry.
But yeah, inferred PC superiority is comparatively rare on these forums. Some who hold such beliefs choose to do so in a "cold hard logic" kind of way. Others choose to be arrogant about it and they usually get banned at some point.
Any kind of inference of "irrefutable superiority" seems like the same kind of belligerent and thoroughly obnoxious hubris that the Nazis oozed out of every orifice. Intolerance is intolerance, no matter how you rationalise it. And yes, using the Nazis as an anology is actually, for once, appropriate.
Anyway, I'll read the rest of the thread now.
Edit : "This thread was created with the purpose of cautioning console gamers and bringing awareness to what will likely be possible and what will be prohibited. There are a multitude of barriers and obstacles that are going to have to be overcome to make modding even halfway decent on consoles. There are a lot of parties involved and we'll have to see exactly what kind of foundation BGS and Microsoft puts in place for mods on consoles."
I'm 50% inclined to say that I appreciate the sentiment if your intent is right, and 50% inclined to say that, that's great and all, but really how stupid do you think console gamers are? I don't believe anyone I know thinks console mods will be as free and available as they're advertising them to be, so it seems like your statement is aimed at immature gamers or [censored], and comes across as inherently patronising to everyone else.
Suffice to say, most console gamers already know that it won't be a 1:1 ratio equivalent to all PC mods.
In terms of a larger argument applied to everyone in this thread, I've stated before about how I feel about "six scenes" in games and how I feel about nudity when out of context, but I'd also like to state that I'm really quite tired of Microsoft's quite occasionally hypocritical policies on nudity. Allowing The Witcher 3 or any other multi-million dollar franchise, but probably denying modders. Advertising stuff like Game of Thrones on the Xbox One, but then pretending to be that bastion of "American Home Values". It really irritates after a while and I, for one, wish they'd just drop the act. They're not Nintendo, they don't have a "family image" to uphold and plenty of porm passes through Internet Explorers across the entire world every single day. Vetting out explicit content based on the misguided belief of upholding some kind of negotiable (for the right price) moral authority is pathetic. Thank goodness I live in Europe, but I can smell that bullcrap from here.
@Jusey1 : Yep, you get Fallout 3 GOTY if you preorder on Xbox One. I've preordered mine already. No idea how the backwards compatibility shenanigans will work out yet. Rare Replay has been running into a few difficulties with the Xbox 360 backwards compatible titles in the collection, so we're hoping for more updates soon.