that's all pretty nice and so, i think everybody will endorse this advice after failing on some item. Still it was about the game and playing it, not to enact oneself as a free tester of sorts with no consequence anyways. Back up? that goes by windows allready right, ?c&p works? for saves?
i think this detail now goes to far for the basic thread we are under it is supposedly about Fallout 4.
I am just curious if there is a solution found for people that want to play without becoming specialist at computer stuff. Special with the prog alone would not make up for the past, since it is all rather plain coded.
I just want, before picking all my good PC gaming mood out, getting F4 and fail to enjoy it from being to be patient... maybe there is solution.
Not to miscomprehend this, i like patience, really i play for it, but it's a difference in being bored by a game or being bored by a game for just waiting it to work sometime.