The companions may also be playersixual instead of bisixual, that is to say their orientation preferences may flip depending on the gender of the protagonist. I'm also not expecting the companions to express any overt orientation preferences or back story unless romantically pursued by the protagonist.
We're dealing with Bethesda not BioWare.
So far we have 4/12 companions:
Beyond them, one might assume 3 further male and 3 female human companions,
plus 2 non-humans (one a super mutant perhaps).
I think this is a very close estimate.
My own research suggests that there will in fact be 8 human companions, 4 male and 4 female, all romanceable of course. The remaining 4 would consist of Dogmeat, Codsworth, one super mutant, and one ghoul. I also found a possible reference to the name 'Taylor', which could either be connected to Courtenay Taylor, or may even be the name of one of the other companions.
As for how many companions we can have at any one time, I believe that that maximum number allowed will actually be 3.
Just wondering were you heard you can have 3 companions with I had heard only one. I however hope you are right.
A very strong hunch on a couple of the Charisma perks.
sixual orientation rarely had anything to do with romance in Mass Effect, aside from who was eligible; I wouldn't see it as a huge loss in those games if gender didn't matter, so I don't see it as a huge loss in this one either.
I hope we can romance the Ghoul; would be really cool if it was a she-Ghoul, too. There's probably also an Android companion we can get, too, although I imagine that one's up for some love too.
You mentioned 'Charisma 9' was interesting.
In the past I'm sure processing power was an element in limiting followers, even if folk have cheated it before.
If I can bring an 'army', my planned: Charisma/Intelligence/Luck (CIL) build becomes more viable.
If by 'army' you mean bringing Dogmeat, a mountable Yao Guai, and a super mutant brute, then yes. There are of course other combinations, but this one would have to be one of the coolest!