No. That is the flawed logic that supports many of your posts.
I respect that it is your view, but I have no respect for the argument itself.
There is no mandate, no rule book that says that Fallout 4 must be a game in 'the exact image' of Fallout (1).
Therefore, to say that Fallout 4 is no longer Fallout because it has breached some immutable characteristics of the original is flawed.
That you don't like the changes, may be respected, I'm sure those who believed the Earth was flat were disappointed too.
(The website is fascinating by the way)
Many of the cells of your body are not original, but you remain the same person.
A city may have its buildings and infrastructure change over time, yet it is the same city.
is Fallout 4 entitled to call itself a Fallout game? Of course it is, the argument against that is logically perverse.
You keep speaking of the Fallout series having an 'intended purpose'.
That purpose is determined by Bethesda, the property owner, and their answer (the game Fallout 4) is clear.
I've seen the changes from Fallout (1) and Fallout 4.
I've watched some Fallout (1) clips on youtube as I have no interest in every playing the game,
and I've seen the available material about Fallout 4.
I cannot conceive of why playing Fallout (1) would be preferable to playing Fallout 4.
Though I respect that you may disagree (and probably will).