hoping this is a gun in the game also has any body seen the ray gun charm
hoping this is a gun in the game also has any body seen the ray gun charm
How dare you waste the Precious beverage for such a pointless weapon! Nuka-Cola should be savored to every last drop! And you should never use it by giving it to your enemies!
Only weapon i remember seeing was some sort of laser rifle with a nuka cola super soaker pump action setup
No sure what OP is referring to.
But I found this while looking up reference material for my my latest build..
i dont see anything http://i.imgur.com/XSXO3G7.png
upload to imgur next time this place obv has only temp upload time
like dis
Haha WOW. That was the EXACT picture I posted..
For more details on the original post, i found it here, half-way thru the first page... http://www.mcarterbrown.com/forums/custom-projects-custom-questions/134619-post-apocalyptic-build-off-entries.html
and the gun has a crank on it... remind you of a gun shown to be in fallout 4? Rhymes with Hazer Bucket?
Share a Nuka Cola with A close friend...
...by blasting a hole through him with highly concentrated radioactive beverage.
Posted about this yesterday on Reddit /fo4 in https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3igwwn/speculation_nuka_cola_thirst_zapper_weapon/. Copied here for info;
It'd be funny if it is in the game... but since it was designed by the Nuka Cola manufacturers it turns out that it's simply a cool looking BB gun for kids.
Waste the number one choice of refreshment among armageddon's survivors as a projectile?
I love that super delicious and nutritious mild radioactive strontium isotope...
really hope this is in game as either a funtional weapon or one you can modify to be a funtional weapon
if not