Which BoS?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:53 pm

I didn't say NYC would be a powerhouse. That it was some great civilization that housed an army. I said it would be an important place to loot. Odds are, just like in LA, there are still survivors, some kind of population around the area. How strong or weak they are is totally irrelevant. The point is there would be tons of pre-war loot to be salvaged, it doesn't matter if the population is 0 or 10,000.

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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:45 pm

And I didn't say that you did.

There's tons of pre-war loot everywhere to be scavenged. I would imagine the CWBOS would take more interest in a pre-war academic institution which is developing new incredibly advanced technology over a previously huge city which may just be a crater or a hell-hole like the Pitt for all we know.

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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:08 pm

You made me set down my beer.....

Just cause we aint no new york city dont mean theres nothing to see..... There's uhhhh, uhhhhh, well uhh Corn . (best said in a jethro from Beverly hillbillies voice)

(no Offence taken heheh not sure how the midwest developed in fallout cepting for what was in tactics, But we do house pretty much one of top 5 of the US's Med research and cancer centers, n infectious disease control (lots of the Ebola patients got shipped here if ya remember, we saved all but 1), In my parts Along with I guess its just strat com now used to be S.A.C strategic air command so kinda high on the lets nuke it places, and uhh well we have corn, ).

I am personally hoping for a bit of Brother fighting Brother action never cared for armored gits myself (and I love tactics)

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:31 pm

You said you didn't follow my logic, and my logic is that it would be a great place to loot, regardless if it is a thriving civilization or a dead zone.

You mean a previously huge city with vast amounts of loot, and if it is a crater, then no competition for you to take said loot. Sure, there is pre-war loot everywhere, but nothing would compare to the loot found in a place like NYC. I would say NYC would probably be the best place in the USA to loot, if just for the gold, and who knows what else would be there in the FO Universe. Maybe I just like my precious gold, but if that was all there was it would be worth, as gold is still valuable in the FO world.

I can understand CWBoS going to Boston for tech, but I dunno why pass over NYC and not loot it/explore it first, seeing how it was on the way.

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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:14 pm

I likes my corn. I like stockpiles of gold a lot more, but corn is good.

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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:17 pm

What you said was that its impossible to pass it up, but at the same time nobody has heard about the great wealth stored there because its kept secret. If the locals of NYC keep as tight-lipped as you suggest, it would be pretty easy to skip. Because nobody would know its a treasure-trove. :shrug:

Can't be both a well-known place to find tons of pre-war loot, and at the same time a total secret so that none of the many traders and travelers of the East Coast don't even give a peep about it.

Only if you're not a techno-religious military order who's primary interest in things that shoot lasers or balls of plasma.

And who says they didn't stop in along the way?

Tell you what, lets wait for the game and see for ourselves.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:47 am

Maybe Beth will take care of it this time? In form of a dialogue that goes like this;

PC "So what happened to NYC??"

NPC "It's gone, blown away"

PC "Oh."

Really you'd figure someone would mention it at some point if it were at all relavant. Most humans on the planet know about NYC, I doubt it has just never come up in conversation for no reason lol

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:07 pm

To be fair, gold is highly prized as an efficient electrical conductor in advanced systems so as a material, rather than commodity, it might interest the Brotherhood of Steel.

Don't be ridiculous, idle speculation is allowed when not contending one of the Evl's arguments.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:15 pm

I would think a large pre-war city in ruins would kinda be a sign when passing over it that it could be a great place to loot. Ashur and Zimmer and such bragging and boasting about their might doesn't mean there isn't tons of loot in NYC, just means that they are maybe not some military strength that people have heard about. Assuming BoS is flying over it, they would get a pretty good look at a huge city, and thus potential loot haven.

CWBoS also isn't the WC BoS, and while I'm sure like anyone else they like high tech gadgets, they flipped on that mission.

Maybe they did stop, but I would think looting NYC would take a long time, which was my point to begin with, in with everything the CWBoS has on their plate, starting with rebuilding DC, seems like it would be many, many years before they moved on to other regions, especially if they making stops along the way.

But, I will agree, lets wait and see what happens, which has also been a point all along.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:23 pm

True, but I'd still place the Institute well above a horde of gold when it comes to technological value.

And who knows, perhaps the Federal Reserves gold vault is a pile of ash now or maybe the gold was moved elsewhere before the war.

I mean, they don't have to loot the whole city block by block.....

Maybe they just stopped in, snatched up some gold, and left to continue on to Boston.

Between the floating airship/command center, fleet of vertibirds and what-not, the Fallout 4 BoS strikes me as a mobile expeditionary force. Not one necessarily interested in stopping and garrisoning every place they stop in at.

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