Got to be realy carefull with what he says, he was calling Skyrim a next gen game.
Got to be realy carefull with what he says, he was calling Skyrim a next gen game.
If every dungeon is the same, then why don't I just go in and out of the same one 50 times and call it end game..
Just say no to copy pasted interiors.
@Rasly - I trust that they did it that way because it made the most sense at the time. There was only so much they could do with last gen consoles.
With more memory from the Consoles, reuse probably won't be seen as much but I do see some things being reused within the world.
Just because each of the factories in Fallout 3 was built out of the same hallway/staircase/catwalk parts & textures, doesn't mean that they were all "the same". They had different layouts/floorplans and (more importantly) different contents - enemies, furniture/clutter/etc, loot & containers, terminals & texts.....
They can not make 100 different tilesets for 100 buildings. There isn't the budget, time, or harddrive space (ours) for that.
You've played the games. You already know they're not the same, and two dungeons that use the exact same tilesets can be wildly different. The vaults are a perfect example.
Man, you guys should have played Daggerfall.
Sadly, usualy furniture/clutter/etc is the same too, just placed differently. Even if they have some minor differences, most of them looked way too similar, specially when you have some empty mission, where you just have to get some item. You go in, see all the same stuff around, fight thru sometimes same enemys, get the item and you get out. And you just can't recall any difference afterwards, except maybe some names from mission text, but visualy, you can't recall anything worth mentioning.
I mean, if you just scavenging some abandoned house, you don't expect to find anything unusual, but for missions, that is not good. I think that devs should redirect ressources and instead of 10 empty missions create 4 that have some experience to offer.
It was interesting for me to find out in this poll, that many people think the same way about it.