the whole secrecy and over hyping is having a serious negative effect on many of us
speculations are running wild and out of control ,,expectaions are so high that you can be 200% sure many people will be very dissapoined with the end product , but of course you do not care about what we the customers think after we bought the game
do you actually care about your customers bethesda or have you fallen for style EA marketing policies
i am sraering to think the second one
and why showing these demos at qualecom and game con only to a selective group of hame journalist , nobody trust those guys and we ALL know they get paid for writing good reviews , they do not even have to pay for the game , aslong they go along the hype
and to all those youtubers , stop your wild speculations in the end you not only look pretty stupid you also fuellin g this hype beyond any reasonable expectations , really guys some of your claims are just outrageous