Imagine the gameplay possibilities! What Raider's gonna keep looking for a stealthy intruder when an eight foot tall, steel/titanium alloy monster just ripped the front wall open and is now hosing the inside of the building down with 5mm death?
Now I'm hoping for a mod that changes power armor to boba fett armor lol
Two words...Shield Cannon
More than any attachments, I just want to be able to color the armor/it's pieces individually, even if just with a simple color slider. That said, I wouldn't mind a hands free, shoulder mounted gun.
Color has already been a confirmed customizable. We don't know to what extent but it's in the video
tunneler (Think large screw so you can drill through the earth).
There will be no place for those Molerats to hide!!!!!
All I want is sharks, with frickin lazer beams attached to their heads!
Dozens of spikes, so I can run into a group and impale them, then shake like a dog to discard them and then do it again!
Not quite. The video had a list of paint jobs under the material mods section. Changing it isn't quite the same as customizing it.
Would some type of autoaim platform be fun, like smartguns in Aliens (2) and the avp games, i think its in those?
Edit: Not sure about autoaim in the Movie.
Mini Windshield wipers for those times I get too much blood on my visor.
I'd also like to see some Bada** PA-Specific melee/unarmed executions. Considering it seems Skyrims Execution system is back for both the player and enemies.
A defense system warning that tell us of possible enemies that can give us a hard time in our suit and when our suit is breaking down when we start to reach critical.