No, the quote attributed to OXM is true.
Your possibilities leave out the truth -- what OXM reportedly said is correct. You misread it (and so did I at first, and apparently so did quite a few others).
According to the reports, OXM says, "You'll still level up via XP, and each level increase will still give you point to spend on a perk, but now those perks have varying XP levels of their own. It’s perk-ception, essentially, and means that, should you theoretically play long enough to max out every tier of every single one – gaining untold buffs and no doubt all kinds of horrendous real-world illnesses in the process – you’ll top off with a total of 275."
In other words, You still level up by accumulating experience points. Each level increase will still give you a point to spend on a perk, but now those perks have varying levels of their own (i.e., they have ranks).
When OXM says, "You'll still level up via XP," "XP" means (or probably means) "experience points." That statement is true.
When OXM says, "Perks have varying XP levels of their own," "XP means "experience," not "experience points." "XP levels" means only "ranks", and we know that perks have ranks. A rank-1 Gun Nut is a less-experienced Gun Nut than is a rank-2 Gun Nut.