Sorry upfront if there is a thread for this already…VR MOD!?
Solving the aiming dilemma...Would it not make sense to disconnect the head-movement from the normal aiming controls of the mouse? The avatar would be similar to a tank…tracks/body movement is controlled by the WDSA Keys, gun-position handled by the mouse (one trick, will be to limit the 360-turn so you don’t break your VR-neck), and the view handled by the VR headset.
The limiting of the mouse from your VH-head to not be able to completely spin the mouse around your virtual body, will also be more life-like. Take a hand gun and aim it behind you with your right-hand and you can still shoot backwards while looking ahead (even looking left). This will also help players not “loose” their gun sight. I would imagine if you call looking straight ahead is zero degrees, you could limit the aim -270d to the right and +270d to the left. I hope that make some sort of sense to a Dev/Modder…
Think about the mechanics of holding a gun in real life. I could easily imagine, in the heat of the battle…
An enemy is spotted, taking aim (not scoped...that is below), but you hear a noise off to the left. You turn your head to take a look but never MOVE your weapon from the original target. Oh what’s this, that thing you heard was another enemy flanking you. You start to panic, begin firing at the first enemy and start running away. You would run, but have your weapon (probably in one hand) firing frantically behind you but mostly looking where you are retreating to, occasionally glancing back to refine your panic fire. Not the current FPS where you have to run backwards but look forward to keep a target on the computer screen. Guess that is why so many use third-person.
I would love to see gone…the days of frantically backing up while firing forward, keeping shots limited to the viewable screen.
Just like you see the real world…in first person…but can fire (most) any direction without having to adjust your screen (eyes) to do it. Granted, your accuracy will probably be off but such is life.
Using the scope? Well, simply continue to use and hold the Shift key. In real life, when you use the scope of a rifle…you head and gun become one. You would not be able to turn your head while looking through the scope, so if you want to turn and look at that sound you heard, you’ll have to let off the Shift key. For all intense purposes, the shift key will override the VR controls and lock the view to the standard control of the mouse. When released view-controls will, seamlessly, return to the VR headset - reset from the point of where you were using the scoped-view.
Optionally, turn off the VATS animation and/or have it be in a pop-up, while having a pop-up for the target selection be “as is”.