Round Story Time (FO4 style) anyone?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:42 pm

So I'm a fairly new member to these forums, but I have been stalking this one since the FO4 announcement at E3. With the lack of new information lately, things are starting to get stale and repetitive. So I thought I'd try and get something new going. Give everyone here a chance to be creative and imaginative.
So let's start a round story! For anyone who may not have done this in elementary school or at home, I'll list the rules, which are slightly adjusted as it takes a little bit more time to post that it would to talk in person.
The first post starts a story. The next person will add to the story slightly, taking it where ever they want.
Each post should advance the story with 1-4 sentences. Try not to be too long winded,as that tends to take away from the hilarity that this type of story creation generates.
Continue the current story please, do not start a new one. For example, if the previous post leaves the character walking through the desert, the next post can't have the character suddenly in the arctic without explanation of how we got there.
Try and use the Fallout 4 known universe and concepts. But as this is OUR story, we control the lore.

Be creative! Be funny or serious, but be nice and respect eachother (though not necessarily the character, he/she may deserve some abuse).
I'll start:
"Holy crap DUCK AND COVER" you scream as you jump out of the Vault-Tec issued bunk, covered in sweat. "Ugh, how many times do I have to see those danm bombs fall? You'd think the real thing would be enough. Damn subconscious."
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Rex Help
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:42 pm

I'm sorry but we don't allow forum games here and I believe this qualifies as such.

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Joie Perez
Posts: 3410
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:25 pm

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