They haven't released the season pass for preorder... they've merely said the price... That's it.
They haven't released the season pass for preorder... they've merely said the price... That's it.
Waiting for the DLC release dates. I'm not buying if we get the timed exclusivity nonsense again.
Why not, they're already doing it with mods, PS4 is getting mods later because Microsoft bought a timed exclusivity deal from Bethesda. If you're Microsoft why wouldn't you make dlcs be part of the deal as well?
Microsoft did not buy any timed exclusivity deal with mods on the XB1. It's just a lot more feasible to get mods working on the XB1 since the infrastructure is so similar to Windows (aren't they basically saying that the XB1 and Windows 10 are one and the same at this point?), and because it was easier for Bethesda to get Microsoft on board compared to Sony.
Bethesda definitely has a better relationship with Microsoft than with Sony (ah, just imagine a world where the PS2 got Morrowind), but there's no sign that Microsoft paid them to get early access to console mods. Bethesda has been trying to sell Microsoft and Sony on the concept for years now to begin with.
Beth DLC are usually well worth it indeed. Longer than a lot of games out there.
Absolute nonsense. I have bought everything I want in that game, still have millions in the bank, and all I had to do was... play it.
Absolute nonsense the PS4's architecture, unlike the PS3's, completely mirrors a PC's you can't use that foreign architecture excuse anymore. I see no apparent reason why mods are being delayed for PS4 other than an exclusivity deal.
Why are you so adamant that Microsoft and Bethesda wouldn't make a deal like this? Bethesda just did a timed exclusivity deal with Apple for Fallout Shelter for Pete's sake.
These deals usually involve Bethesda not replying as to when the other platforms would receive such content. Skyrim's DLC for the PC and PS3 was met with "We have no further info at this time," when the DLC was released for the Xbox. The same situation happened with Shelter. Beth didn't say anything about an android version for months.
For mods though, they're straight out saying that the PS4 will receive mods.
It's not concrete evidence, but it's hope.
As I said in my previous post, I'm talking about timed exclusivity.They have said that the PS4 will get mods after the Xbox One, pretty clearly actually.
"There’s still a lot of work to do. It’s going to come out on PC first, then they’ll move to Xbox One, then to PS4." -Todd Howard from his Telegraph interview
PS4 still uses a very different OS compared to XB1 and Windows, and Bethesda has to work with Sony to set up a proper infrastructure for mods on the PS4; it's definitely a lot easier now that the architecture is the same though. As for Fallout Shelter, I imagine that's because they worked with Apple to make the game in the first place and then ported it to Android (and they announced it would come to Android during E3). Besides, isn't it easier to get things working on iOS on account of it being used exclusively on Apple tech?
I'm not saying it's impossible that Bethesda set up a timed exclusivity deal. But you're just outright stating Bethesda's being paid off as if it were a confirmed fact, when in all likelihood it's just easier for them to get it on the XB1 than the PS4.
I never changed the subject.
Yes. They said the PS4 WILL get mods after the xbox 1. That's the point.
Their usual timed exclusivity nonsense involved not confirming if the content will go to other platforms. I remember the Skyrim forums from when people were waiting for Dawnguard to come out for PC without official confirmation that it would.
For fallout shelter, Beth simply did not confirm that it would come out for android . When asked, they just said "We have no further info at this time," of course we all knew that it would be released at some point.
For F4 mods, they are basically confirming for the first time that something is going to be released, albeit later.
It's not a sure sign that there isn't an timed exclusivity deal. It could be anything we don't know. The only thing that we do know that this announcement is different from their past ones.
There proven trackrecord..... thats kind of amuseing tiven the mixed bag they had with it
Marrowind, Technically they are expansions by old standards, generally Tribunal and Bloodmoon were very good, but then they were actualy old school full blown expansions.
Oblivion had Shimmering Isle.... which was kind of felt oddly stuck on, and addon's ranging from the now legendary Horse armor to what feels like some fairly ok mods.
Fallout 3 . . . well.... they were ok for what they were. . .. but felt more like things stuck onto the game as an afterthought in many cases, and ended up breaking the "end game" due to them bascialy "Patching" the game and tacking on higher levels. almost like they made us pay to put the "Jam session" post game development stuff in
Anchorage felt more like it was kind of a rail shooter stuck onto it, Lookout with health pool bloat marred an otherwise good expansion, Zeta was Zeta (Basically intended to be a "bad" parody of bad Sci-fi movies.) and the Pitt, for its flaws, had a surprisingly good story hidden in there.
New Vegas does not belong in this discussion, because it was not actually Beth making it
Skyrims three expansions, one was a Meh housing mod, one was Dawnguard and the other Dragonborn,.... They were good but I ended up getting the Reincarnation spell to deal with all of the key quest givers being wiped out by things added in after the fact.
Sooo. . . there track-record is kind of . . . eh?
the real problem with the "season pass" is Bluntly the way the rest of the industry seems to handle it (Basically trying to snag more money from you up front for something they MAY EVENTUALLY get around to making while trying as hard as possible to be as vague as hell about what you may or may not be eventually getting so if they decide to cut development at some point well you "Got what you payed for") is why some people are kind of eh about them.
This. Just do Heist. Each one takes about a hour to complete. If you get the Challenges you get a few million dollars
the main problem of course is finding a group of people who are willing to actually do the missions, and just dike around and make it a wasted effort on the person who set it up.
paying money for future content in a game nobody as played yet and know almost nothing about yet
arz we sure this game is published by bethesda and notthis
this just kills my last hopes that this will be a good true fallout game
SWTOR all over again