It seems pretty clear who controls the airship...
I'm actually hoping that isn't required in any storyline and is just showing off destrucibles.
It seems pretty clear who controls the airship...
I'm actually hoping that isn't required in any storyline and is just showing off destrucibles.
Everything you just said applies to everyone from Lyons, to the NCR, to the Legion. And Lyons is often called white knights despite doing just that.
The Enclave on the other hand
-Do more to combat the super mutants, Talon Company, and raiders, then Lyons has in 20 years time.
-Take more steps then Lyons has to learn about, as well as contain and control the sources of, dangerous mutant wildlife such as the deathclaws in Olney and the Deathclaw sanctuary, as well as the yao guai in the yao guai caves.
-Don't take any military actions against the BoS, despite being able to beat them in a one on one fight even after the BoS use Liberty Prime to destroy their bases/outposts for two weeks straight, until the BoS attacks them first.
-Despite claims of wanting to commit genocide, they have taken no action against basically undefended communities such as Arefu, Girdershade, Canterbury Commons, Oasis, and The Temple of the Union, even though they have outposts located right outside each of these communities, and despite being able to easily destroy them while taking no losses.
-Actively rebel against Eden, a crazed machine who wants to commit genodice.
Truly The Encalve are the face of pure evil, terrors worse then The Master, The Encalve from Fallout 2, and The Legion..... /sarcasm.
The only actually "evil" things they do is kill that one assistant girl at Project Purity.... and kill ghouls, which basically everyone does, even Lyons. Hell, that NCR Soldier in NV even suggests you just straight up kill the non-feral ghoul trooper guy in searchlight.
Uhh yeah actually.
If they wanted to commit genocde, that terminal entry wouldn't make sense, as everyone in the wasteland is genetically impure, so doing tests to find genetically impure people would be pointless, as they already know everyone is.
Your language implies that those people aren't evil either.
Can you show me where Lyons, the NCR, and the Legion experiment on living human beings?
They aren't. No more then the NCR or House are at least.
When did the Fallout 3 Enclave do such a thing? The only thing they do is DNA tests to see if someone is genetically messed up beyond even normal post-war genetically mutated people. You won't find any humans in stasis tubes in Raven Rock, only feral ghouls, super mutants, and animals.
Vault 87 super mutants, outside Fawkes and Leo, aren't people though. Its even stated they rely and operate on basic instinct, driven mad and beyond reason due to the pain they suffer when mutating.
Also, the Fallout 3 Encalve takes no steps against non-Feral ghouls, something not even Lyons does. Which makes them better then Lyons in that regard.
So the fact that they don't assume everyone in the wasteland is a mutant is proof that they don't plan to murder everyone who isn't a pure human even though the terminal explicitly states they're murdering everyone who is genetically non-compliant?
That makes a ton of sense right there.
We seem to be getting off topic and talking about a past game. We have a whole section in this forum for those debates.
No, the fact that they know everyone in the wasteland is a mutant, and aren't killing them simply based on that fact, but are instead only killing those whose mutants are to the point it actually becomes harmful, is proof they don't plan to murder everyone.
"Genetically non-compliant" means "anyone whho doesn't fit the level of standard mutation" not "anyone who is a mutant period", as evidenced by the fact they aren't simply killing everyone as is seen in-game.
OFC, revisionism of basic facts such as this has been your default tactic for awhile now, so I am not surprised to see you pull it again. The NMA raids never end do they?
I don't really care about them not revealing a lot of info concerning the story. I just want a good engaging story. It seems that's one of the things they tried improving upon and I really hope they succeeded.
It seems to me that Bethesda is going a lot less intense on the marketing hype train this time around. Back in 2011 there was a massive blitz of marketing hype for Skyrim, so much that many parts of the game were leaked out and I had a few good moments spoiled for me.
I think Bethesda realizes that all they have to do is say they're releasing it and they'll make giant piles of money. Instead of throwing the development money into the marketing hole, its going into the mighty furnaces of game development.
This right here a million bijillion times. A Bethesda game could have no story at all and I would still enjoy it.
How much was the story of any of those games marketed? I don't remember FO3 marketing material saying you were looking for your dad. I do remember Skyrim advertising you as the one meant to stop Alduin. What about the other games?
I can definitely say FO4's marketing has made me wonder about the story, but I wouldn't say it has me worried about the story.
This right here is something i wish more people realized. Seems half the people here jump to insane conclusions over throwaway lines. With as much dialog as bethesda had made for the game i gotta imagine it'll have a decent main quest (and they always are decent, i've always felt compelled to complete the story at least once) if not out right good. I mean you don't invest all that money into voice acting and then waste it with facepalmy scripts (hopefully)
Wait for the game to come out.
Judge the story on its merits then.
That's my plan. No point in pointless speculating about how bad or good the story is going to be when we know next to nothing about the plot aside from a few details.
Super Mutants are victims of the people that formed the Enclave. Lets give hope to a bunch of people by saving them from the bombs and a year later subject them to human experiments by pumping in the FEV virus to create super soldiers. They are people that have undergone a very terrible situation. They might not be as bright as regular people, but they still want their group to survive and procreate by dunking people in the FEV.
It is not known if feral ghouls are victims. Obviously, ghouls are victims, but there is not much known about the process to go from a ghoul to a feral ghoul. A ghoul could choose to become a feral ghoul to escape the pain of their life as a human or not trying to hold onto their humanity could cause them to become feral. If a ghoul decides to become feral, then they are no longer a victim.
I was under the impression that the Talon Company was working for the Enclave.
The Talon Company mercs actions make no sense unless they were being paid by someone to keep things stirred up in the Capital Wasteland so that there would be no opposition when the Enclave made their move.
After all how did they get all those weapons?
Enclave would have access to lots of firearms.
And with a male and female voice protagonist and all the effort to max out the replay value, I would expect there to be a least three options/factions to back in resolving the main quest line in FONV.
Figure most people are going to play it at least twice and not everyone will want to take the evil option if there is one.
Likely there will be no black and white but a lot of grey with more than just two sides to choose from.