Except, that's exactly what BGS is doing. They removed the level cap. You can master everything now. Again, I don't care to master everything. However, I hate the fact that if I do not have a high intelligence, my character will be at a disadvantage. Yes, I can still master a few select skills, or perks in the case of Fallout 4. However, I will have a lot less flexibility and will not have as many choices due to this debilitating fact.
You aren't getting it. I should be able to play how I want. I want to be able to level efficiently irrespective of some arbitrary stat. The problem is intelligence is required to level efficiently, period. That is taking away player choice from me. If I had a choice, I wouldn't put points into intelligence at all. To be quite frank, besides the experience issue, I think it's largely a worthless stat. However, the experience gain is the very reason it is mandatory and far more important than anything else in the SPECIAL system.
That is a lack of choice, not a choice. Forcing the player to have to play a certain way is taking away choice and freedom from their experience. It limits and confines the players to operate on the terms of the developer and not themselves. This isn't about completing the game. This is about having an efficient progression for your character that isn't railroaded by the need of having high intelligence. One final time, I'm not trying to make "an uber-character." I didn't care for half the skills or attributes in Fallout 3. I was still limited, however, based on the fact I had a low intelligence. Outside of a handful of areas, my character was worthless and restricted me from a wide variety of activities in the game.
This isn't about min-maxing. This is about having rational progression in a way that is not impeded by an arbitrary stat.