Well, New Vegas was full of wild west weapons

Thompson M1928/Tommy gun - That's all what I need xD
rp = roleplay
As for the thread I want grenade launcher attachments.
definitely bows. i'd love to play a stealth character wielding a high-tech compound bow or something. the mods would probably be really cool. crossbows as well, for those who like that sort of thing. personally the reloading time on a crossbow usually turns me off to them. i would certainly try them out at least once, regardless.
i would also like to echo a few others and say throwing knives! please! they were a really cool addition in NV. they weren't really as powerful as the other weapons my courier was packing but i thought it was cool that they were included. i'd only hope that they would be improved upon, especially the animations.
other than that, i'm just hoping the gun variation is better than it was in past games. really i'm just hoping for more weapon variation in general. it looks like, based on the extensive crafting and modification system system, we won't really have to worry about that too much.
I prefer a semi-auto assault rifle with a suppressor and a decent scope as a primary. A pistol with a suppressor for early (read cheap) close in stealth kills, and a high powered rifle for long range pre-scrub. Also do not that you gain experience every time you try a new mod on each type of weapon. So the first time you find a bayonet put it on one each a pistol, energy, bat?, rifle and so on....