I generally dislike companions as a concept. Loyalty quests are just the tip of the iceberg, but they are a major annoyance.
They almost exclusively began the same way, either
A. Talk to them X times over the course of the game, resulting them very awkwardly dodging the subject in the most blatant "TALK TO THEM MORE TIMES TO UNLOCK QUEST!" way possible, until you unlock the quest.
B. Do some series of triggers which results in THEM running up and talking to you, only to, in a contradictory manner to them force starting the conversation, awkwardly dodge the subject in the most blatant "DO MORE TRIGGERS TO UNLOCK QUEST!" way possible, until you unlock the quest.
Then the quests, without fail, turn out to be some issue these "people" have had for YEARS, yet have never once tried to fix or act upon. Then they expect YOU to basically fix their problems yourself. To make matters worse is that, once you fix their problems for them, they then ask how how they should feel about, being totally unable to even THINK about their problems without waiting on your every word hand and foot.
NONE of this make any sense, or is how real people act. Its just so [censored] baffling that game developers keep doing this sort of [censored], yet boast about how "believable" this NPCs are as people. Its entirely contradictory, NO ONE acts like Boone, or Raul, or Arcade, or anyone from a Bioware game like Miranda, or Jack, or Tali, or w/e.
Companion loyalty quests are nothing more then a giant circle jerk, designed to let the player feel like they are god, by allowing them to literally fix every idiot in the universe's problems, whilst simultaneously allowing them to also feel like god via letting them make everyone's crucial life changing decisions for them. All the while, this format of quests does nothing but completely and utterly bankrupt the companion's believability as a "real" person, by reducing them to nothing more then programmable robots who follow your beck and call.
-I shouldn't have to talk to them 5 times to get them to start doing anything about their problems.
-I shouldn't have to have them run up and talk to me 5 times to get them to start doing anything about their problems.
-I shouldn't have to fix their problems for them to begin with.
-I shouldn't be able to tell them how they should live their lives.
If game developers actually gave a [censored] about making their companions believable characters, companion quests wouldn't exist, as they would have done them themselves years ago, instead of waiting around with their thumbs up their asses until the special snowflake player character comes along and forces them to get off their asses.
That's one of the things I've always really liked about Bethesda games, no [censored] idiotic companion quests.
Look at Jericho in Fallout 3, hes a former raider, who actually lived long enough to retire. Does he probably have guys who would want to kill him? Sure, you can't live that long and not. Does that mean hes [censored] pestering you about it throughout your totally unaltered quest to fix a water purifier? No, he either dealt with it years ago, or is in a point in his life where [censored] doesn't matter anymore. Does he pester you about his life sob-story? [censored] no, because its completely irrelevant to the task at hand, and he has no reason too. See, he actually LIVED, and actually did [censored] about his life, instead of staying in this bizarre stasis you see character in NV and Bioware games in, and he doesn't bother you with it like he should.
NPC companions in Bioware and NV style games are nothing more then what I like to call man-children. All they do is whine, [censored], and moan, about some problem, and then do everything in their power to NOT do anything about it, until you forcibly drag them outside to deal with it, then they expect you to do everything for them, and then tell them how they should feel about it. This is what 5 year olds throwing temper tantrums do, not what advlts do. I don't want to babysit children, but most RPGs, Bioware's especially seem to love to force it down your throat, and then they get 100 awards for "believable" NPC companions.
If someone asks me if I want them, all I can say is "I would rather not, and I'm glad Bethesda has avoided it thus far".
I want to find out the dog's name just by finding Doctor Li, and having her be like "OMG that's Dogmeat" and that's it. Don't throw some [censored] "quests" on it.
I believe Pete Hines specifically clarified that when they said "human" companions, they meant "HUMAN" companions.