Wow... I thought it was going to be 20 bucks.
I figured it would be on par with their other boxes, but it seems they've gone all out. Sadly, I'll probably miss out on this as I did the pipboy edition.
Yeah, it's such a shame! I thought it was just a regular-priced Loot Crate with a Fallout theme. $100 is insane. Was going to order the $30 crate without a moment's hesitation, but there's no way I'm spending $100 on Fallout merchandise.
That's crazy. $100. And that hoodie is not even that good-looking, to be honest. I think I'll pass.
They want us to blindly spend $100 on a Lootcrate without even telling us everything that is inside? Unless they reveal a premium item that justifies the ridiculous price tag, I will not even consider purchasing one of these.
Besides, the Dogmeat and hoodie designs look amateurish at best.
Worse German Shepherd plushie I've ever seen, and what's with the raccoon mask.
If that is the 'good stuff' they are showing to get sales ... then I really don't want anything else the box could have in it.
Yep, they charge you up front. Which is why I can't get it myself, I don't have the cash atm
If you don't need the plush dog, I can make you a Vault 111 hoodie for $50 + shipping =)