I was watching this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxP4ZNjNLNU), and I noticed a Raider with a unique name called Gristle (at 4:50). Not sure how important they'll be, but just thought I'd bring it up for discussion.
I was watching this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxP4ZNjNLNU), and I noticed a Raider with a unique name called Gristle (at 4:50). Not sure how important they'll be, but just thought I'd bring it up for discussion.
Maybe he is suppose to be the "boss fight" of the bandits, though given the Deathclaw that shows up after the bandits die I guess the boss status got nicked.
Maybe he's the alternative route for evil characters?
*Even then, I'm doubtful of this because of Preston Garvey's status as a companion.
He could be a evil follower and Preston is the good follower
Evil romanceable raider follower confirmed! Also Half-Life 3, for some reason.
Please there will never be a Half-Life 3
Illuminati confirmed.
This is my real opinion, had you fooled didn't I?
There are actually quite a few boss fights in FO games, though they usually just consist of super powered or otherwise unique versions of enemies.
I mean in the vein that he might be thinking of, most of the named stuff are just semi normal named NPC's that can be killed fairly easily unless modded etc. I don't want to see FO turn into Borderlands garbage where it just becomes get to the boss and kill it. And the game rotates around boss fights only.
My assumption is he is a leader of the "gang" of raiders and is part of a quest and as such needs a name to be referred to. He is mowed down in the video so you could probably side with him and kill the people in the town or side with the people and kill Gristle and the raiders.
From what we've seen of all that footage, that is most likely going to be the first tutorial type mission you come across. A named raider suggests that there might be a non-violent solution to this mission.. or it might simply be the objective. "Take out Gristle and his boys!"
I'm hoping he's an alternative to siding with Garvey. Not much more we can determine at this point, but good catch anyway.
That was funny.....
Jack Sprat would eat no fat,
His wife would eat no lean.
But when the worked together
They could strip a body clean.
think it goes something like that