It's funny, I think most of us would have SPECIAL stats more on par with the weakest dwellers in Fallout Shelter rather than anything in the main games.
It's funny, I think most of us would have SPECIAL stats more on par with the weakest dwellers in Fallout Shelter rather than anything in the main games.
Assuming that 5 is average for a healthy advlt:
S - 3
P - 9 (Not always a blessing, trust me)
E - 2
C - 6
I - 8
A - 3
L - 8 (hard to rate this one, but I'd say I've definitely lucked out way more often than getting shafted when I've had no control over a situation)
S - 7 Train regularly, easily stronger than most of my peers
P - 6 Situational awareness is a major component of my training
E - 7 Regularly practice martial arts and parkour, can take a beating (or a fall) quite well and keep going
C - 6 when I want to be I'm very sociable, really good at making and maintaining relationships
I - 6 Have a masters degree, can speak 4 languages, can think quickly and laterally
A - 7 martial arts and parkour keep me quite agile
L - 7 things generally go my way
S: 5 (I occasionally work out but mostly dance)
P: 8 (my line of work involves a lot of investigating)
E: 5 (average stamina, rather resilient)
C: 7 (long pretty hair & easy to chat with)
I: 7 (good grades in school)
A: 6 (nimble thanks to dance)
L: 4 (never won a lottery of any kind)
well yeah, if we go off the main game:
S:1 = I can paralyze people with my fists
P:1 = I can pick locks and pockets at the same time
E:1 = I am superman
C:1 = I get all sorts of discounts at stores just cuz im cool
I:4 = I'm a hacker, medic and I can build guns from scratch
A:1 = great with pistols
L:1 = I find cool stuff with metal detectors
So yeah, I'd be about 0-0-0-0-1-0-1 on this scale
S - 2 (Even telephone directories defeat me, shouldn't have picked "Small Frame" in the character creator)
P - 1 (Couldn't locate a needle in a haystack composed entirely of needles)
E - 2 (A few flights up the stairs will drain my AP like no tomorrow)
C - 2 (Even the puppy barely takes heed of what I say...)
I - 8 (Learned about all the wrong things)
A - 1 (High School gymnastics was an exercise in futility, particularly when we had to demonstrate to the whole class)
L - 10 (By some strange twist of fate, I can still afford to run a daft gas guzzler)
Strength 4
Perception 4
Endurance 7
Charsima 2
Intellegence 8
Agility 5
Luck 3
Everyone has different interpretations of what a single point is worth, so how about setting up common rules for different tiers for the special stats?
For example, if you can't do more than 10 chin-ups, your strength is either 1 or 2. If your IQ isn't above 100, your Intelligence is somewhere between 1 and 3. Etc.
Considering 4 as the average:
S: 4. I used to be 6, but lost a lots due to no more sport because of severe asthma. Still I'm naturally quite big with large shoulders.
P: 9. My eyes are 12 on 10 since laser surgery, and my hears are perfect.
E: 2. Running can litteraly kill me. Taking some medecine too. Even flu can kill me. But +1 cause I'm overly resistant to bacteria.
C: 5. Nobody can ignores me, but not necessarily in a good way. Tend to lead groups of people.
I : 8. 139 IQ, but lacks of common sense.
A: 5. My agility have not suffered my bad health as much as my strengh did.
L: 3. Probably a bit unlucky. And Hearthstone hates me.
Why not.
S - 2 As someone who has been skinny all his life, this has never been my strong suit.
P - 7 My senses have always been quite stellar, and have yet to fail me.
E - 4 I've endured extreme diarrhea, and I find that commendable to some degree.
C - 3 Not good around strangers, but once we get to know each other, I'm a pretty swell guy to a certain extent.
I - 6 In regards to possessing common sense, problem solving skills, and doing well enough academically, I'd say I'm at least above average (my IQ was well enough above 100 if that makes you feel any better).
A - 9 I'm actually very flexible, and could have taken gymnastics if I wanted to.
L - 4 It's nice when something happens, although most of the time, nothing ever happens.
Id say I agree, but strength isnt just chin ups - I highly doubt most olympic lifters can do 20 chinups, and while extremely strong, they weigh a lot which makes any bodyweight excercises much harder. (I know a guy who can bench 300+ for reps but cant do 10 chinups).
My point is, is that its hard to quantify the whole SPECIAL thing in real life. How would charisma be measured, how many people you can get to follow you on an absurd topic?
Assuming that 5 is avarage:
S - 3 I'm a weakling, but I will manage.
P - 2 Can't tell I have eagle sight.
E - 5 Not bad all things considered, good luck to see me sick.
C - 9 I do have a silver tongue, and tend to weasel out of things quite easily and persuading people is mostly piece of cake.
I - 6 That one is tricky, slightly above avarage I guess.
A - 4 I'm working on it...
L - 8 Yeah... self explanatory.
Doing something stealthily is the most fun way to do it.
Strength: 7 -pushing self makes arms strong.. makes a muscle
Perception: 7 -I notice things others don't. Such as when a friend changed their shampoo.
Endurance: 3 -I have M.S. My neurologist said that I get tired pretty quickly.
Charisma: 3-4 -I'm a bit of a hermit rt.
Intelligence: 6 -smarter in computers and graphics
Agility: 1 -I have M.S. WC/bound.
Luck: 4 -never considered myself overly lucky
S- 5 pretty average, but doing some diamond pushups, so maybe I'll get above avg sometime.
P-3 Bad eyesight, ears hard of hearing, and stubbing my toes on things I don't see
E- 6 I can take pain alright, and have gone through some stuff.
C- 4 Can be shy, and crowds are not my thing.
I- 6 I do alright when my mind is focused.
A-7 I say I can jump and slide pretty well, but when I don't notice things I hit them, but I usually catch myself.- so I think it's more a perception thing.
L- 3 Lately my luck has been going down.
S - 8. Six days a week in the gym, though mostly cardio, and I routinely do 15 chinups...per set.
P - 5. I'm scarily observant and really, really good at reading people, but I also wear glasses and can miss some blatantly obvious things too. It averages out.
E - 8. I'm part bull. On the rare occasions I get sick, I grimly deal with it. [Self-deleted most of this comment about an American without health insurance. ]
C - 3. "Peevish librarian", that's a pretty good description, but I'm subtracting another point for my stuttering.
I - 7. Lots of book-learnin', always eager to learn more, reads the dictionary for fun? Total word nerd? Guilty as charged. Though math isn't my strongest subject. (Geometry though I'm quite competent at for some reason.) My IQ was 139, at the time quite exceptional, though I've no idea what scale it'd rank now.
A - 3. The last four years in the gym have brought me up from a 2. I'm clumsy beyond belief.
L - 1. I'm just not getting into it. Somebody up there, down there, over there...RNG hates me, is what I'm saying. No joke: a developer on an MMO I used to play looked at my in-game percentages and wondered aloud why I auto-rolled such lousy numbers so consistently. A freak occurrence.