So my mod-manager for Fallout: New Vegas (and Fallout-3 and others) recently got an update and now the game won't start. So I'm uninstalling all my mods. A time-consuming process. But it got me thinking about another of the nice things about a ~new~ Fallout game ----- we get a clean start.
I have around 146 mods (not all running at once) for Fallout New Vegas and I've used many of them for so long that I almost forget they're not part of the base game at all! Since it'll be a while before mods for Fallout-4 become available, for a while, at least, we will be running a "clean" game, created as the developers intended.
There's something to be said for going back to your roots, as it were. Of course that may also mean that you remember ~why~ you wanted to install mods in the first place.
As usual, my first mods will likely be texture / weather / color / lighting patches... unless, by some miracle, the game actually releases "clean" with a perfect appearance. It could happen, I suppose --- the videos we've seen certainly look good. How it'll look on ~my~ rig may vary, of course. At least we know we won't need to mod away the green tint that Fallout-3 put over -everything-.
It'll be interesting to see what, and how many, mods are "necessary" to make Fallout-4 the game we want it to be. Aside from new perks, new quests, new Companions, there are often UI "fixes" needed, etc. but I am hopeful that the base game will be good enough that I won't feel a need for any mods... until I ~see~ a new mod, of course. Then I may be, all, like, "Oo, I gots ta have that mod!"