Things which put me off

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:05 am

I played the first Mass Effect 30+ times and never had any issues with hearing the voiced bits.....and your argument about "but it's 400+ hours" doesn't hold any water as 99.9% of that time is spent exploring or fighting or doing other things than talking. Not to mention you can always skip things or walk away or whatever so it's not like you have to sit there and listen to all of it 30 times or somethig.

Not to mention the fact that that this game was never designed to accomodate the five to ten people that play it 30 was designed to accomodate the millions of normal people that play it once or twice.

Plus I hope you realize how insanely laughable your argument is.....saying they should change a feature because you plan to play a 400+ hour game 30 times.....I guarantee you that you'll unintentionally manage to convince bethesda to call for you to be taken into a mental health asylum for your own safety before you convince them to cut the voice acting lol.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:50 am

Fallout 3 is the anomaly that everything's ruined because reasons.

It looks like, at least environment-wise, that Bethesda has taken cues from New Vegas. There are still ruined places but the world has actually shown signs of recovery.

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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:45 am

I dont play bethesda games for the modfing capabilities I actually like the worlds they create.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:45 am

I didn't change a feature ... Bethesda did. What FO games have you been playing that has a voiced PC? And just a note, calling everyone who disagrees with you insane and needing to be committed doesn't go over well here. You need to accept the fact that not everyone agrees with you and that's ok. You'll live.

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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:03 am

Wood only lasts so long, and with chemically treating timber (protecting it against insects and rot) no longer being practised, wood isn't going to be very practical to build with any more. Paint will only help so much, though it will make things a ton prettier. It's probably quite hard to find paint as well. Most wood will have rotted or been eaten by insects at this point. Bricks will last much longer and are easier to re-use.

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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:31 am

Well, some potentialy good news - Pete Hines confirmed that there will be hard choices pressed on the player to make through the story.

Perhaps we can finally see some real choice and consquence that is not "white vs black"
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:52 am

I'm more curious to know why everything is always so filthy in post-apocalyptic stories. I mean, sure the world's ended and all that, but couldn't you have picked up some detergent while you were raiding the supermarket?

Petty I know, but still...

I'd personally also like to see choices that don't double back on themselves after initially forking. Perhaps your choices could culminate in the story forking towards the end rather than doing it every time you make a decision, that way there's less workload but still some actual significant consequences to your actions.

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lacy lake
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:02 am

Or even a scrubbing brush :shrug: Rest assured my home in the apocalypse is going to look shiny.

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Markie Mark
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:50 am

Yes except Bethesda has absolute and total right to change don't. Trying to cry about the tragedy this is to the 10 people who play this 30 times is absolutely laughable.......beyond ridiculous. And you probably do need someone to forcibly keep you off videogames to protect your health. You can disagree all you want and cry about how Bethesda should pander to 10 isntead of millions but you should be capable of understanding that it makes absolutely no sense at all for them to do that. Some argue that Fallout games are crap because they aren't exactly like Fallout 1 and 2....they can cry about it but it's ridiculous. And Fallout didn't even become a huge franchise until Bethesda made Fallout 3......over 99% of the Fallout players today didn't play a Fallout game before 3. And Fallout 4 is already well on track to sell a lot more that 3 or NV lots will not have played a Fallout game before 4. What weight do you think your complaints carry against that magnitude. Business talks and the commercial impact of Fallout 4 is shaping up to be bigger than any other Bethesda game.....the numbers and overall feedback says people love Fallout 4 like few games have ever seen.

There's also the tiny insignifficant fact that the game is done.....there's no changing anything now, love it or hate it you can either not buy it or accept it.

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Eddie Howe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:52 am

u need to stop worrrie about a little thing that voice protagonist, first u cant mod it, or second u can turn the voice down, i love how u replay the game over 30+ time with different character, when as quest go, the game normally is make so quest have 2 options, so the actual game have at least 2 replays, maybe 3 as much.

Not meter what your character look or do on any of the TES the end is always the same, same for Fallout games, i dont understand why ppl QQ so much about RP when u dont have any real option when it come to the story, u cant choose just to go and kill a "important" NPC bc u cant, or u cant choose to destroy River city, only Megaton, or u cant go and set a nuke in middle of DC.

Option on game are limited to you so there isnt any real freedom just a illusion of freedom

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Stephy Beck
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:36 pm

It's easy if every character doesn't become the master of all and tries to do everything. For example in Skyrim I'd never have a character be leader of more than one faction, I'd never have them master more than one Crafting skill, I'd limit their weapon skills to just one or two weapon types, etc. Like I said I role-play them and then retire them after the RP is over, usually in their house, with a spouse, and more gold than they could ever spend. I personally just get a lot more out of the game that way.

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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:20 pm

Oh look, another grumpy old fart that's allergic to change.

1) Thank you for letting me in on what the future holds! I was unaware that a voiced protagonist is a huge mistake because I've only had a very limited amount of exposure to it and how dialogue works in F4. I'm glad you could fill in the gaps for me!

2) Fault on your part - Fallout's theme has always been trying to rebuild after the apocalypse - post, post-apocalypse if you will. Just how long do you think it takes for nature to reset itself and humanity to rebuild (especially since a large chunk of the tech survived)?

3) Skills svcked. Let's get that out of the way. It was silly for my "likable as a clump of mud" character to convince everyone left and right just how awesome he is because his speech was high. Or you could have a "[censored] for brains" character be able to hack and lockpick his way through anything with high skills. Having things you're able to do not tied to your core character stats (SPECIAL) is lame and makes the character creation choices matter less. They're called "skills". They should be things you can do, not just numbers which is what they were in F1 - FNV.

"BUT BUT skilz represented a general thing you could do and the number reflected how gud you were at it!!!!"

So? You know the difference between a small guns skill of 50 and 75? A number, that's it. It had no effect on how gameplay changed; it just made you hit a bit harder and miss a bit less. Sure, a skill of 1 versus 100 mattered a lot, but at that point, just make it a perk that makes you hit harder and more accurately and call it a day.

4) Ok, you have a decent point here - at least in general. There were a lot of mistakes in F3, FNV, and Skyrim that I hope F4 learns from. However, the specific point you make about respeccing has already been confirmed by Beth. So rest with ease.

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stevie trent
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:59 pm

Easy kids. Don't insult each other. Kind of our number one rule around here.
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:06 am

As far as the complaints about color go, of course there is color. Its only 200 years after the war. There are roman ruins that still have remnants of paint from 2000 years ago. There are indigious paintings many thousands of years old that still have paint. There are thousands of artifacts in museums that are hundreds of years old in full color still. Having faided, warn and chipped paint is what you would see after 200 years. That said, what you would not see is the "now leasing" banner that was in one of the trailers. That would have disintergrated to nothing in just a few years.

As far as the voiced protagonist, I am looking forward to it. It will be nice to have the protagonist actually able to carry on a conversation. Playing any game, unless your are in a VR enviroment with a multidirection treadmil is emersion breaking in many ways. We suspend our disbelief to enjoy the game in many ways all the time. I don't buy the arguement that a voiced protagonist is more emersion breaking than any of the other dozen emersion breaking things in almost every game (including not having a voice a game).

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Bethany Short
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:13 am

A voiced protagonist can be done well and should not detract from replay-ability. Being convinced beforehand that it will ruin or hamper your game play experience is doing yourself and the potential of the change a disservice, but nobody but yourself can convince you to have an open mind about the change. If you choose to mentally hamper your enjoyment of the game over this issue, that is certainly your own personal decision.

I hate to agree with some here that are blindly convinced FO4 is somehow already perfect, but I also played Mass Effect dozens of times and the voice conversations were NEVER an issue that detracted from my desire to do so. That being said, Bethesda could certainly muff their first attempt at VO protagonist (so the concerns are not invalid), but convincing yourself it's going to negatively effect your game before you even give it a shot is not really giving Bethesda a fair opportunity to move forward with the game's design. I'm not saying you have to like the idea of this change, but convincing yourself it will be bad for your experience before you have it will certainly taint it.

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Trent Theriot
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:41 pm

While you are right that the wood would have long ago rotted away, the world of the Fallout universe clearly didn't share the same sensibilities and priorities as ours. They built things to last, and didn't skimp on materials. Where we would use sheetrock, they used metal or marble. As to chemically treating wood and things like that, we are talking about a culture where it was normal for a company to put glowing radioactive goop into a rocket toy and sell it to children. If chemically treating the wood would make it last longer, then that wood would have been soaked in the stuff.

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Joey Avelar
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:46 am

Seriously, though, you're right. New Vegas had the best dialog options of any Fallout game - imagine the failed speech checks with a voiced protagonist!

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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:42 am

well, u just illustrated what i mean, no meter what ur character become the dragonborn and kill Alduin, what u avoid is the way there, u can choose some way, but the story have a bigging and a end, u cant choose not kill Alduin can u?

that is my point, no meter what u think, when u play a game, u always end with the same result, same go for Fallout NV, only differences was there was 3 ending, u couldn't just choose not to care, and star a store and live happy u always need to give the dam to the Legion, Cali or Vegas.

So a voice protagonist will not change that, the only differences is u will hear him speak or comment about stuff on the world. That help the immersion on a game, no meter what ppl said, if u want to go and RP about u going trow the Boston on a post-apocalypse situation u need to go and play pen and paper games, there u will find true freedom bc u have the options about doing whatever u want. In game u dont.

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renee Duhamel
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:57 pm

Well I'd say 90% of my Skyrim characters retired without doing the MQ. This is actually pretty easy in Skyrim since beating the MQ makes no difference what-so-ever in the game world. Nobody seems to know. Nobody cares. Dragons still attacking. Seriously Skyrim's MQ was the most non-essential I've ever played (or not) in a game.

As far as the voiced PC goes ... as stomach churning as it became to hear Lydia say "I am sworn to carry your burdens" over and over again, I can only imagine what it's going to be like to hear my PC go through the same dialog over and over again in each play-through. But whatever, we can only wait and see. I am curious now as to whether or not we can rush through dialog and not have to listen to every spoken line every time. Hit enter or something to skip it.

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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:51 am

well that is your problem, u play a game to not fallow the story. Is good and im happy u enjoy that.

But u cant go and said is something bad when u playing the way isnt mend to play it.

Im telling you u will alot happier on pen and paper game that a video game.

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Chad Holloway
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:14 pm

Granted I do lose a lot of sleep thinking about those poor Nords dying daily in those Skyrim games where I never beat the MQ. Ale's the only thing that eases the pain.

But seriously it's a single player game, open world, where I can play any way I want. Many of my characters did beat the MQ, does every character have to do it? If I want to role-play I can. I think you'll find a lot of people don't follow and beat the MQ with every character they play. It's not a problem, it's just a way to play. Pen and Paper was fine 35 years ago when I was in college, but now I'm quite happy with just using a PC and playing in Bethesda's (or other devs) worlds instead.

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