Fallout 4 Details All-In-One

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:38 pm

Confirmed so far. Will continue to update as new things are announced / confirmed.


  • Character creation includes molding the face, choosing different hair styles, your six and body sizes. Whoever you leave the character creator as determines who you will play (male or female).

  • Your child will be affected by how you design the main characters.

  • Sanctuary Hills is where your character lives at the beginning of the game and can later be a base location.

  • First voiced protagonist for a Bethesda Game, wanted to try to do something that would allow for more emotional gameplay.

  • Main characters have over 13,000 lines of dialogue each.

  • Codsworth has over 1000 names recorded to call the player from Howard to [censored]face.


  • Strength- Strength is a measurement of your raw physical power. It affects how much you can carry, and the damage of all melee attacks.
  • Perception- Perception is your environmental awareness and “sixth sense,” and affects weapon accuracy in V.A.T.S.
  • Endurance- Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. It affects your total Health and the Action Point drain from sprinting.
  • Charisma- Charisma is your ability to charm and convince others. It affects your success to persuade in dialogue and prices when you barter.
  • Intelligence- Intelligence is a measure of your overall mental acuity, and affects the number of Experience Points earned.
  • Agility- Agility is a measure of your overall finesse and reflexes. It affects the number of Action Points in V.A.T.S. and your ability to sneak. (10 action points per level)
  • Luck- Luck is a measure of your general good fortune, and affects the recharge rate of Critical Hits.
  • Start your character with 28 points to put into SPECIALs.
  • 10 Perk ranks for each SPECIAL, 70 base perks with multiple ranks for most of them including 275 to unlock.
  • Perks will require higher levels to put in more points, for example Rank 4 of Iron Fist requires level 46.
  • First rank of Strong Back adds 50 to your carry weight, and then additional ranks add things like being able to fast travel while encumbered, or being able to spend AP to move at a normal pace while encumbered.
  • “You also get separate Perks from the many in-game magazines you can find (there are over 100). Some of these grant an individual Perk, while others up the rank of a Perk associated with that magazine. For example, there’s a 10-issue run of Grognak the Barbarian comics that each give you an additional rank of the Barbarian Perk, which raises the critical damage of melee attacks.”
  • Don’t have to apply perks as soon as you level up, can hold onto them until you decide.
  • You can use level ups to raise your SPECIALs to unlock more perk options.

Confirmed Perks (List Incomplete, Best to watch the video for full details, might add all soon)

  • Better Criticals – More critical damage.
  • Big Leagues – More melee damage.
  • Commando – More automatic weapon damage.
  • Gun Nut – Gain access to higher rank gun mods
  • Rifleman – More non-automatic rifle damage.
  • Science! – Gain access to higher rank high-tech mods.
  • Toughness – Gain damage resistance.


  • Preston Garvey, leader of the Commonwealth Minutemen, is located in the Museum of Freedom.

  • Piper is a female follower found in Diamond City. Writes the newspaper called Public Occurrences.

  • Codsworth is a Mr. Handy that you originally owned before the bomb dropped. Found in Sanctuay Hills when you leave the vault at the start of the game.

  • Dogmeat is a German Sheppard that you find at the Red Rocket outside Sanctuary Hills. Can be given commands to fetch and has the ability to bite and hold enemies in place.

  • Dog’s name appears as Dog until “someone tells you his name, then it changes”. “All the player commands after will then call him Dogmeat” “It is Dogmeat”.

  • There will be romance options in Fallout 4, including companions, unclear if non-companions as well. Gender won’t affect which romances are available.

  • Confirmed to be 12 companions to choose from.

  • Followers can be downed but cannot die while they are partnered with you.

  • Can use stimpacks on fallen followers to get them up.


  • Customize your own set of power armor from a large variety of different T-series including: T-60, T-60b, T-51b, X-01 Mk. II, T-45b. Some have different models and you can also add a headlamp.

  • Power armor slots include both Legs, both Arms, Torso, Head.

  • You can mod your power armor with different paints, plating and shielding. For example, Military paint increases your Strength special.

  • Layered armor system allows you to equip individual armor slots similar to power armor, Legs, Arms, Torso and Head.


  • 3 main damage types - Ballistic, Energy and Radiation.
  • Energy weapons (laser rifle) deal energy damage, Ballistic guns (automatic rifle) deal Ballistic and Plasma (plasma pistol) guns deal both Energy and Ballistic. No confirmation on a weapon that does radiation damage.
  • 10mm Pistol
  • .44 Pistol
  • Revolver Pistol
  • Revolver Rifle
  • Junk Jet
  • Cryolater Pistol
  • Plasma Rifle
  • Plasma Pistol
  • Assault Rifle
  • Combat Shotgun
  • Double Barrel Shotgun
  • Hunting Rifle
  • Laser Pistol
  • Laser Musket
  • Laser Rifle
  • Minigun
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Fat Man
  • Pipe Pistol
  • Pipe Rifle
  • Ripper
  • Super Sledge
  • Baseball Bat
  • Power Fist
  • Lead Pipe
  • Pool Cue
  • Fragmentation Mine
  • Fragmentation Grenade


  • Items in the world can be broken down for supplies to either craft weapons and mods or building materials for your base. Everything in the world will serve a purpose besides just being sold for caps.
  • Crafting requires ranks in Science! (High-tech mods) and Gun Nut (Gun mods). There are also perks for crafting armor and melee weapons and turrets.

  • Science! is shown to apply to only the energy weapons and Gun Nut is shown to apply to only Ballistic weapons.

  • Weapon attachment “Marksman’s Stock” gives the bonus “Better melee damage” implying there will be melee attacks for most guns.

  • Key mods include scopes, sciper scopes, scatter attachments for energy weapons, bayonets, silencers, automatic modifiers, and elemental damage modifiers.

  • Junk Jet mods can add electrical damage and fire damage. Stats for these mods aren’t reflected in the customization screen.


  • World has more dynamic details compared to previous fallouts. Much more detail in the world.
  • More environmental story telling with focus on finding things the player interprets themselves.
  • Dynamic volumetric lighting helps create haze and especially helps the lighting inside the structures and during weather.
  • Color palette is greatly expanded, no more Fallout 3 “Green” everywhere.
  • Weather effects are in. Rain and Radiation Storms confirmed. Fog appears to be another.
  • “Glowing Sea” where the bomb fell which has a much more classic fallout wasteland look.
  • Radiation storms can flare up and go through the world. Lightning from the storm will give you radiation.


  • Molerat
  • Mr. Handy
  • Raider
  • Super Mutant
  • Ghoul
  • Brotherhood of Steel
  • Deathclaw
  • Radroach
  • Brahmin
  • Synth
  • Bloodbug
  • Yao Guai
  • Sentry Bot
  • Super Mutant Behemoth
  • Mirelurk
  • Mirelurk Queen
  • Radscorpion
  • Protectron
  • Eyebot


  • Sanctuary Hills is where your character lives at the beginning of the game and can later be a base location.

  • Several different sites to build a base at including your starting neighborhood. At least one beach base area shown.
  • Settlements have different attributes including: People, Food, Water, Power, Safety, Beds, Happiness and Size.

  • Create your own settlements using materials salvaged from the world and build them however you want.

  • Charisma attribute unlocks additional things for your settlement.

  • Generators supply power for your settlement that allows you to hook up things like lights, terminals and turrets.

  • You can have multiple settlements and even run Brahmin caravans between them.


  • Lockpicking is the same system as used in previous Fallout 3, unclear how different difficutlies will work.
  • Hacking is the same system as used in previous Fallout 3, unclear how different difficutlies will work.
  • Conversations with NPCs are free floating, you can look around and even walk away and come back to the same dialogue options. Even have the opportunity to have two conversations at once.
  • Sprinting is confirmed, affected by Endurance
  • Critical hits are no longer random but activated when resource bar is full. Luck makes the bar complete faster.
  • Grenade hotkey that won’t require hard switching from your current weapon.
  • Call in a vertibird you can ride on and use the mounted minigun from.
  • Jetpack attachment for power armor at certain points.
  • Brotherhood of Steel will fly around vertibirds at some point, can be shot down.

  • Hold breath while zoomed in with a scoped gun.
  • You can use melee attacks with guns held, pistol whipping shown.
  • Laser Rifles can still vaporize enemies on death (might be related to critical hits).

  • Vaultboy Bobbleheads confirmed to return. BobbleHead stand has 20 slots. 7 for specials confirmed.

  • Fallout 4 has more than 111,000 lines of dialogue.

  • Play first person or third person, swap between whenever.

  • Minigames can be played on the Pipboy.

  • Made a phone app that allows you to use your pipboy outside of the game with second screen experience. Won’t pause the game while you do things.

  • Two confirmed radio stations Diamond City Radio and Classical Radio.


  • Creation Kit will come out early 2016.
  • Modding for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4. Dates not confirmed yet for consoles.
  • Fallout 4 is 1080p & 30fps on Xbox One and PS4. Resolution and FPS are not limited in any way on the PC.


  1. Fallout 4 - E3 Showcase World Premiere - https://youtu.be/D5esyZPt5Jo

  2. Fallout 4's Character System - http://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/fallout-4s-character-system/2015/09/24/31

  3. Fallout 4 – Dogmeat & Other Companions - https://youtu.be/uonUCBk70JA

  4. Fallout 4 – Customization, Crafting & Modding - https://youtu.be/D1J9HSbqqUA

  5. Fallout 4 – Player Freedom in an Open World - https://youtu.be/F0G5Lyc8USc

  6. Fallout 4 – Why Details Matter - https://youtu.be/Ty2hU0Y7kAg

  7. Fallout 4 – Gameplay Exploration - https://youtu.be/GrX-QT19Ro0

  8. Fallout 4 – Combat Gameplay Compilation - https://youtu.be/FNfqQ7iJDg0

  9. Fallout 4 Interview with Todd Howard E3 - https://youtu.be/bNgEO6ehqp0

  10. The Score of Fallout 4 - http://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/fallout-4-behind-the-score-with-inon-zur/2015/09/22/30

  11. Fallout 4 – Behind The Scenes with Dogmeat - https://youtu.be/NgY5kTWxDuI

  12. Fallout 4 – SPECIAL Video Series - http://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/fallout-4-special-video-series/2015/09/10/24

  13. Fallout 4 Leaked Quakecon + Gamescom Footage

  14. Fallout 4 Quakecon Details – http://www.windowscentral.com/fallout-4-quakecon

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:33 am

I took screenshots during most of my researching so I could include them if you guys think they'd make the list better and I was wondering if you thought speculation elements were important as well.

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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:11 am

Under SPECIAL, I would add that each rank of a perk does different things. For instance, the first rank of Strong Back add 50 to your carry weight, and then additional ranks add things like being able to fast travel while encumbered, or being able to spend AP to move at a normal pace while encumbered.

Under crafting, I would add that Gun Nut and Science! aren't the only crafting perks (there are perks for armor and melee weapons under Strength, their purpose confirmed with the SPECIAL video, and Demolition Expert is possibly for crafting explosives). I would also add that the perks also allow you to craft different types of turrets to defend your settlement.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:30 pm

Are the perks confirmed to enable more crafting of melee weapons and armor? I didn't notice it in the video but it seems like 90% accurate speculation

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