Does anyone know if there will be an option to NOT have this in the game this time? I'm sick and tired of seeing these dumb explosions and limbs/blood flying everywhere just because I make a crit or a headshot
Does anyone know if there will be an option to NOT have this in the game this time? I'm sick and tired of seeing these dumb explosions and limbs/blood flying everywhere just because I make a crit or a headshot
Ridiculous over the top death animations is one of the traditions in Fallout, even more so with the bloody mess perk.
I'm sure there will be mods to remove it if you wish
Not that much of a tradition, if I remember correctly. since it's only from Fallout 3 and onwards but yeah a mod is probably the best bet
Well hopefully the bloody mess type stuff will be a bit more realistic in Fallout 4. I don't think we've seen any in the game footage so far, not that I remember anyway.
I played the old ones when they were released .. yes there were blood, but not in the stupid excessive way that they introduced in Fallout 3
Some of the vids show critical/headshot hits.. Looks like the other ones sadly
I am not against the amount of gore in the game.. I'm against how it's done
To each their own yeah.. I just dislike seeing a head explode because I critted with a 9mm bullet.. Could understand it if I used the Ripper.. But it could all be solved SOOOO easily by restricting it to the gory mess perk
Are you kidding? Did you ever finish the original game? Remember the overseer's death? Yuck. Or the critical hit deaths with firearms, where you see half the torso blown off and exposed ribs. Or guys running screaming whilst engulfed in flames. Or...
I had a reduced gore mod for Fallout 3. What was really cool (while also sadistic) was watching somebody/thing with an injured leg try to walk. It was, for me, way more immersive than the exploding body parts. This thread reminds me of just how much I would like a really expansive gameplay menu to customize everything from how difficulty plays out, to the amount of gore we see. I'm pretty sure these are flags within the game system that should be easily manipulated via the menu/gui.
Ah ha...someone has never had the joy of punch someone in the sack, scoring a critical and watching their bodies explode in Fallout 2...
Remember the unique death animations of The Lieutenant, The Master, and Frank Horrigan? Why do none of the end bosses in Fallout 3 or New Vegas have special animations when we kill them?
Probably because most of the death animations from Fallout 1/2 would be far too gore when made in actual 3d, which would ultimately be counterproductive to their rather intended purpose of being goofy.
It wouldnt be that difficult to make something like the Overseer death animation in fo3/NV, it just wouldn't be funny looking, it would be more disturbing then anything.
There's nothing like seeing a raiders head fly off after a high powered rifle shot to his neck.
I see what you mean about exploding bodies. I wouldn't want them left out, but I just hope they are dismembered in a less uniform way.
Uh, Fallout 1 and 2 were the bloodiest games of the series, mate. Body parts and blood everywhere.
Yes, it's called "Exit game"
I don't mind gore. In fact, I wish it was more varied like in F1 and F2. I want people turning into Swiss Cheese from miniguns, being split in half with rippers, or getting holes blown in their chests from shotguns.
However, since the game is being accepted as is in Australia and Germany, my hopes for that are slim. We'll get ash piles, goo piles, and body explosions and that's it, I fear
I call it the "Kill Bill" trick. If you make violence cartoony and unrealistic, then you can simulate just about as much gore as you want without it being deemed offensive.