When you select the perk this thread gets locked for some seriously OTT Irish jokes?
When you select the perk this thread gets locked for some seriously OTT Irish jokes?
St. Patty's? You're no leprechaun... you're an imposter! It's St. Paddy's. Patty is a woman's name.
I wonder how long before the perk is changed to give a potato when you pick it. That you can either eat, or drink later.
..I need to stop watching old Archer episodes.
You can make potato grenades and alchohols, obviously, but unfortunately your hair goes red.
Unless your a female character. redhead + female =
Haha! I actually agree, there's something about red-haired girls. Not all mutations are bad.
Maybe a little leprechaun appears randomly during VATS to give your enemies a knuckle sandwich.
But that's replicating the function of Mysterious Stranger. They wouldn't have two perks do the same thing.
So perhaps it's Misfortune from new vegas? Whats unlucky for them is lucky for you. Maby they will tell us what that perk is, just to shut us up! =-)
And it just keeps coming. I feel like I'm playing Bioshock Infinite in this thread.
Hopefully it's one of the perks they highlight in next week's SPECIAL video, so that we get at least some kind of hint. Although if I could choose which perks they highlighted, I'd want to know wtf is going on with the L5 perk.
The next step down seems to give a bonus to attacks missing you, so I assume Luck of the Irish gives bonus to hit enemies.
The .44 magnum could look like this, but without the idiotic scope: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/redcrucible/images/9/98/Shamrock.png/revision/latest?cb=20150319123823 http://i62.tinypic.com/11sigl1.jpg
I sentient shillelagh will appear in your hands and talk to you while you bash peoples faces in with it.
Maybe lucky things happen to you when you're fighting with your fists, like punching gold fillings out of somebody's mouth.
"HEY! Listen! If you press the left mouse button while your gun is drawn, it will put holes in your enemies!"