Okay, just wanted to address something on here.
Most of us forumites (as well as the rest of the internet) have been speculating about various aspects of Fallout 4 since the trailer released way back in June, and a big part of this has to do with the function of the various perks seen on the chart. The way that I like to speculate is to look at possible end results, and not just a few minor details. Because of this, my ideas tend to be a lot more detailed than most. This has resulted in a fair few confirmations in one form or another, with suggested features cropping up all over the place as being verified by Bethesda. But inevitably, this also means that some of the ideas I put forward will not find their way into the final game. Either way, this is something that I enjoy doing, and yet a small number of individuals insist on taking my efforts and turning them into something entirely different.
As Myst has already stated, all of my speculation is clearly marked as such, whether some choose to accept this or not. Every single perk-page on the site (which is actually a collaborative effort) has a notification, as does the chart itself. And for those complaining about where the notifications have been placed, this type of 'you're misleading us' feedback was an issue even back when the notifications were at the top of each page, and included a link back to a thread that was literally plastered with the word 'speculation'. As for certain details being changed or updated, this is a dynamic process. The more information we have, the more details we can update so that the respective perks end up with a greater likelihood of being correct. But nothing will be 100% until the game launches and the perks are all replaced with official information.
Now, although many of you have valid points, there are some who seem to dislike the fact of anyone daring to step out and put together detailed guesses as to the function of each perk, rather than simply using a broad stroke approach. Such individuals seem almost offended by my efforts, and so no amount of notifications will suffice, because in these cases, that's not even the issue. I'm not going to embarrass anyone by mentioning names, but some make it a little too obvious by offering nothing but criticism without putting forward anything of value themselves. For the rest of us however, we happen to form one of the best gaming communities on the internet, with a large number of highly intelligent and creative individuals who contribute some very interesting ideas and suggestions. And so to all of the genuine forum members, thank you for all of your regular comments, and for keeping up the community spirit.
But going back to my original point, I will continue to put my ideas forward right up until the game launches. And based on the majority of feedback I have received, a lot of people seem to like these ideas. These same people are also the ones who accept them for what they are; a fun way of passing the time until launch, with suggestions that may or may not end up featuring in the final release. But no matter what any of us have suggested, the line-up of perks that we will be given access to in a mere 33 days will no doubt provide countless ways for us all to enjoy Fallout 4 the way that we choose to play