Logitech G13?
Keyboard and mouse. Controllers are great for racing games and platformers but they are absolutely awful for shooters.
I use both and at least for how I have it set up its much more comfortable using he KM over long periods. My hands get sore sooner when playing my racing games using a conroller. I agree that having a mechanical keyboard makes a huge difference. I shorted out my last keyboard (spilled chocolate milk on it) and had to borrow a friends keyboard and it was just awful not having the mechanical feedback. Also get one of the ergonomic models that have the bend in them. It takes a couple of days to get used to it but it makes a huge difference in comfort not having you hands constantly at an odd angle with normal keyboards.
For me it will be Controller first since my first copy of the game will be on the Xbox One. My PC is just about at the min specs so I will be waiting for sometime to beef up the PC so I can play it on the PC with less issues. On the PC I will be using both and it will likely more depend on how my arthritis is at the time of playing, if it is flaring up I find it much easier to play with the controller. I usually tone down the difficulty then since my twitch skills go way down. I just wish we can really tone down the sensitivity on the controls since even at the lowest settings I find it too sensitive on the controller.
I actually find M+K less annoying for long play sessions. But that's because, sitting at my computer desk, I've got plenty of support - chair arms under my elbows, wrist rest, etc. Playing a console game on my couch in front of the TV, it's just my hands/wrists sitting in my lap gripping the controller. No other arm support/etc.
(Of course, that could be fixed with different seating/etc.)
I actually play using a mouse and keyboard on my couch.
I have a rather crude setup. I have a small wireless keyboard that I set in my lap.
I use a wireless mouse with a mousepad on top of a book right beside me.
I actually find it comfortable even for extended play sessions.
Been using mouse and keyboard for as long as I can remember. Controllers just feel alien to me.
Maybe one day ill turn it in for some crazy advanced new control scheme, but as far as I can tell there's nothing coming up that would suit me just as well. Maybe if we get at the controls of a vehicle in a Fallout game ill get a special joystick or wheel, but ive yet to be so heavily passionate about a game that would benefit from anolog controls.
One of the reasons I went from consoles to exclusive PC gaming is the superiority I found with K&M. For me, anyway. I don't play with controller unless it is something like Mortal Kombat. I even bought a few games that I never played (Dark Souls, PTDE) for that very reason.
I'm not very good at gamepads, so keyboard/mouse for me
I find that I am absolutely terrible at first person aiming on a controller. Maybe its just because ive barely put any time into learning how to use them effectively, but I am amazed that people are able to hit anything at all with ranged weapons in Skyrim with a gamepad, although I kinda think guns would be easier in Fallout.
started using gamepads on morrowind not gonna stop now so gonna use my X1 pad on pc Fo4
I use mouse and keyboard.... They are both within easy rich of my hands, with my arms resting on the arms of my very comfy office chair. It's actually more comfortable than my recliner I sit in to watch TV......
I've played all other fallout games on PC before but it was getting to expensive to maintain a super PC and get married so opted for a PS4 instead.
FPS I have to use a mouse/keyboard. I've tried playing my son on his X360 using controllers and I just can't get the vertical aspect right. I'd always be staring at me feet somehow while he'd be pumping me full of lead. M/K I just use without even thinking about it as over time it's just become natural. I'm sure I could use a controller if I practiced with it, but since I'm playing on the PC anyway I'll just still with what I have and am comfortable with.
Controller, I did buy my X-Box One and went back into debt so that I could play the game. A game like this I prefer to play while sitting somewhere comfortable with a controller in my hands instead of sitting at the computer with fussy controls and a very uncomfortable chair.
Mouse and G 13.
I play laying down in bed ( spinal injury ) Mouse on one side, G 13 on the other.
Controls are right there..no reaching , no strain, no clunky keyboard.
Just laying on a nice memory foam mattress with my 43 " 4 K at the foot of my bed.
Gaming bliss.
USB controller all the way. Some games just translate better to a controller in hand for me.
Good for Keyboard: MMO's, RTS's, Point-and-clicks, FPS's, certain RPG's.
Good for controller: Action games, stealth games, driving games, FPS's, certain RPG's.
What, no "joystick and trackball" option?
Poll makes me a sad panda.