some suggestions about Fallout 4

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:45 am

when i saw another game "Dying Light(this is another FPS game with RPG materials)" i think some design ideas is nice for Fallout series games.

1. allow player to play second round storyline campaign with his/her character's level and skills and perks and all items he/she carried after finished first round.

2. add "grappling hook" let player can jump to higher places and player can use it to protect himself(herself) when he/she fall from high places.

3. allow character to custom weapons or equipments by using trash materials, apply some elemental damage into weapons(fire, freeze, electricity, acid, poison...etc).

4. allow character to ram his/her enemy, or add some grab moves like shoulder throw.

5. add two-weapon fighting style, like holding 2 guns or 2 blades to fight.

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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:20 am

Sounds like you want 'new game +' and to, er, be Batman...

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jess hughes
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:03 pm


1) the game is literally a few weeks from shipping.

2) because of point one there is no real hope of anything on your list being added to the game if its not there already, if its in the game its been in the game for at least a year now now because they would have needed to be balancing that stuff for a while.

3) some of your wishlist as already been shown (3, part of 4 and 5 are hinted at in the perk chart)

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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:16 pm

i am not crying for apply these new stuffs into Fallout 4, i know it is too late now, but i wish developers think about it in DLC or Fallout 5( of course i hope they can apply these things in future DLC).

new suggestion: flashlight

not some kind of weak light growing from your pipboy, i hope it can shines to player character's front.....don't you think it's very odd when you wear a power armor and there has a flashlight on your helmet but you still turn on your pipboy's weak light abandon yourself's flashlight? :confused:

new suggestion: combo melee attack

when all other action game have a lot of combo attack moves, why fallout game still use old and boring repeatedly single attack(only front/back/side attacks, not first-second-third chain attack moves) to fight?

i know there has disarm attack move in Elder Scrolls, but if you can directly to show it's entire action move(like finish attack moves used to a stunned normal zombie in Dying Light), i think it will much better.

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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:34 pm

1. No thanks, maybe some would enjoy it but to me it doesn't fit Fallout. Aka "meh"

2. Meh

3. Confirmed - see E3 trailer to see repurposing trash as crafting material as well as elemental effects on weapons.

4. Likely - New Vegas had some special unarmed techniques, and with the more complex perk system it wouldn't surprise me.

5. Meh

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:34 pm

New Game + wouldn't really be necessary, since the game never technically "ends". If this was a game like New Vegas though, I'd absolutely call for New Game +.

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WYatt REed
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:17 am

Maybe add social links and atlus hard bosses...
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Ice Fire
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:40 am

It's not an action game...

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:10 am

A flashlight may already be in the game. At least we know for certain that Power Armor has a flashlight of sorts mounted and usable on it. So it stands to reason that since the light casted by this source is already in game that if a flashlight modification for weapons isn't a choice at game launch than it certainly will be available shortly after the release of the Construction Kit or GECK tool.

As far as the other suggestions go those just don't seem appealing for a first person shooter with RPG elements.

Although Dual Wield has often been asked for I just don't think the counter that its not realistic would be the reason why its not in. The issue would be adding new animations, game balancing, and of course control layouts...More work than its likely worth for something that a large amount of players would just hate on.

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Chris Jones
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:03 am

Fallout 4, by Bethesda Game Studios

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Lewis Morel
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:27 am

I love new game plus.

I got my character in Dragon's dogma up to level 200 doing that.. :twirl: :goodjob:

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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:41 am

are you really a developer of Fallout?

it's sad you think Dying Light is not a FPS game with RPG elements.

i just wish you can put these possibility in your mind.

when i know fallout 3 became a FPS game with RPG elements i was exciting.(of course i played to ending Fallout 1 and 2 many times)

for RPG part, i don't know how much possibility we can apply into further fallout game. but at least i think there has much action game elements(good ideas) we can put into it.

for example: new game+

maybe some players think that is not necessary for Fallout. but all i want to say that just a new selection for players who conquered the game.

if someone dislike this mode then it's ok, he/she just don't select it. but i think others will like to play it.

of course, if you nearly end this fallout 3 or New Vegas you can just avoid the final quest and just do other side quests or only wander this entire land or play some mod areas you downloaded before.

but never forgot this, you won't enjoy main story quests with your high level ability.

try to think this, it just a bonus for anyone who completed this game. to enjoy the story and fights like a super hero.

however i think all purpose of games is the same, "let players to enjoy it".

to make more interest ideas into it always better than nothing. if you only improve visual and sound effects, that is nothing for players.

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