Player Controlled Deathclaws?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:34 am

From what I can tell, many fans of the fallout series like the idea of having a Deathclaw for a follower. (There are even a number of Fallout 3 mods for it.)

However, I was wondering about the possibility of having a player-controlled Deathclaw in the game. The lore would support it, given that there are mind-control devices employed by the enclave, which a player could use (maybe by linking a transmitter to himself and a reciever to a deathclaw) to assume control over the Deathclaw.

Considering the number of players in the skyrim series which liked the werewolf/vampire feature, could the use of a player-controlled death claw be FO4's equivalent of 'beast form?' Being that it would be usable only once a day and, depending on frequency of use, allows the player to 'level up' his/her creature - just as the skyrim player could level up werewolf/vampire form?

Does anybody know if this feature might be included in the game? I would like to see it in a DLC at least. I also think it would be an interesting, albeit repetitive, mission that you have to capture a new deathclaw if the old one you had control over died (or was freed by a lucky shot that hit the mind-control device.)

Edit: Apparently people thought I ment 'turn into' a deathclaw. Unfortunately that would not be supported by lore.
What I mean't was giving the player the ability to control a deathclaw via 'remote control.' You put an enclave mind-control device on the deathclaw and order it around like you would a remote control car.

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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:29 pm

Could be interesting and I wouldn't mind it in game, but I'd never really use it. I'm more interested in post apocalyptic human interaction.

Either way, you'll probably see it in a mod
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:24 pm

There is the Wasteland Whisperer perk for temporary companions, but no idea if it will work on Deathclaws
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:02 am

I guess I am just looking for something more extensive.

Along the lines of playing as the Deathclaw, kind of like players in Skyrim could play as a werewolf.

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Dan Scott
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:33 am

Playable deathclaw will not be in the game

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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:29 am

I'd rather not risk one getting hungry, or in the way of my bullets... Deathclaws would probably kill you on sight anyway...

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:29 am

Maybe a dream den situation?
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:12 am

Yah, I get that it would be risky but didn't fallout 1 or fallout 2 have 'smart' deathclaws which (wisely) left the enclave and lived peacefully in a vault with some people?
I don't know I never played FO1/2
@ imitenotbecrazy - Did they already address the idea somewhere? If they did, I didn't see it. Can you link me?
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:36 am

They don't really have to address it. You're talking about the ability to turn into a deathclaw and then turn back, like a werewolf. That won't be in the game. Deathclaws are a mutation of a species of chameleon. It makes no sense for the PC to be able to transorm into one and then transform back. Even in FO3, with the deathclaw emitter thing, that was merely stopping the deathclaw from killing the wearer and we couldn't issue commands to it. If, wasteland whisperer let's you temporarily command deathclaws I'd be surprised. But even then I'm sure it would be limited time and use.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:03 pm

itl probably work like in skyrim with necromancy/conjuration without the need to kill of course. Meaning of course it would eaither be temporary or only 1 at a time until they die.. of course some enemies would be excluded like bosses or larger creatures (like how in skyrim you couldnt animate a dragon or giant) so it might not even work on deathclaws in the first place. (i mean how would you fit a deathclaw thru a door anyways.. they are pretty large and there isnt a load screen to indoors this time)

On top of that.. the controlling perks from charisma only work on enemies at a lower level than you and always have a chance to fail.. even if you can control deathclaws while your wasting your time trying to control it instead of killing it.. its slashing you to pieces.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:04 am


Huh, I don't recall saying anywhere that the player would 'turn into' a deathclaw. What I am talking about is the player puts on a fancy helmet which links to the enclave's mind control device for deathclaws.

Essentially, the player would put the helmet on and the deathclaw in question would spawn on the map and could be used for a limited about of time. - All of which can be explained and linked to Fallout lore.

Kind of like playing the deathclaw via 'remote control.' I would imagine such a device would be exactly what the enclave would want.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:57 pm

Yeah I guess I only really skimmed through since the idea was silly to me. You used the term "beast form" and I thought you were saying you wanted to see us transform, like werewolves and vampires. But like I said, the collared deathclaws weren't controllable, they were merely able to resist being killed by them if you work the emitter. Hell, look at the enclave that caught and captured the deathclaws, if you go and let them out, they will kill their captures. We haven't seen anything where people can give orders to or control deathclaws. Playable deathclaw will not be in the game

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:54 am

Fallout 3 had some sort of "mind control" the Enclave were testing with Deathclaws...don't really recall how that was fleshed out beyond some Deathclaws with some high tech headgear tech being in some enclosures at various Enclave camps that showed up after they took over Jefferson Memorial. I seem to recall some notes being on some of the officers at the camps, but not the details.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:20 am

Yeah that's what I was referring to. From what I remember, once released from their cages, the deathclaws tore the enclave soldiers to pieces? Don't know how well that mind control worked haha I do remember reading from older fallouts that deathclaws were controlled somewhat in order clear out a vault. Still I can't see player controlled deathclaws happening. Seems like the only control people have had over them is to just not kill that person

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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:20 am

I'm praying to be able to have a Deathclaw with perk Wasteland Whisperer :(
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Elle H
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:03 pm

Yah, I think we are all. I was just hoping that it would be taken one degree higher. Bethsda has the habit of doing that. Maybe the player-controlled deathclaw idea is already in the game, they just haven't revealed it yet. (To be honest, it feels like they haven't revealed very much, which is kind of concerning.)

But given the presence to the institute + enclave mind control tech = new mind control devices which allows us to control a deathclaw.

I just want a pet deathclaw I can name billy and have him rip apart raiders who think my settlement is an easy score. (No offense to dog meat, I just think billy would be able to take a bullet better.)

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