Considering that Bethesda recommends 3-4GB vram for F4 makes me wonder: How much vram could modded F4 actally need? I do not have any evidence but i bet people doubled vram usage with texture mods and such with Skyrim. And since they upgraded the engine, i bet we can have bigger ram and vram caps than 4GB.
What do you wastelanders think? Will 4 gb vram be enough for heavely modded F4? What are your predictions?
I myself love to use mods for games, i modded the hell out of skyrim and F3/nv and the difference to vanilla was like night and day. I will surely use a lot of mods for F4. That made me think... I originally decided to buy GTX 970 for F4 release but at my country, the R9 390 8GB is same price or even lower... and since games use more and more vram these days, i kind of think that 4GB and more is a good backup resource to have. I probably never use all of that 8GB (even if i plan to go 1440p next year) but, hell, who uses all of their 16GB of RAM while gaming... but it is still nice to have just in case. Even if F4 vram usage goes up to 4.5, im still better off than with 970. And, there is this rumor that current amd cards will have better perfomance with dx12 than nvidia cards. But, it is not what i wanted to talk about in this topic.