Yeah I don't really see it coming as well - let's hope we're both wrong. Haha. I'm still hoping that they get rain collision right this time.
Yeah I don't really see it coming as well - let's hope we're both wrong. Haha. I'm still hoping that they get rain collision right this time.
That, I actually think, will happen. They've talked a lot about having more interiors that don't load in a separate cell, including player settlements, and their talks of volumetric lighting and a new weather system imply that rain isn't just a screen shader on the player's camera (like it's been since, wow, Daggerfall), but something that actually happens in the game world and has collision.
No he's balancing on the tip of his finger on the bottle, to show how agile he is. It's been the graphic for the agility stat since the original Fallout game.
Edit: It does look a bit like he's underwater at that point in this video though -- the animation is not very clear.
Have a look at the on (or at about 42 seconds in, the animation's a bit more obvious
Thank you for posting! I've been waiting for this one, and I enjoyed it.
Since we're on the topic of Agility perks, I am surprised Rapid Reload still has it's own perk. Seems to me it would be a better benefit of another perk. I can't help but wonder if they added some extra ability if you max it that will make someone want to consider it.
In some locations in Skyrim, you can extinguish torches and take advantage of the increased darkness to remain hidden. There are also wandering NPCs who will relight torches. I think that we will find something similar in Fallout 4.
The Luck-10 perk shows Vault Boy standing calmly as bullets zip around him. The Agility-6 perk shows Vault Boy somersaulting with a target on his chest as bullets fly toward him. My guess is that the Agility perk works only while you're moving, and that the Luck perk works only while you're stationary.
The target on Vault Boy's chest suggests that you are presenting your opponent a moving target, so I suspect that his hit probability is reduced while you're moving. If dodging isn't applied as a reduction in the attacker's hit probability, then I have no guesses for how it could work.
Rain wil always be a screen shader. Its just a matter of setting all the triggers right Would be way to expensive on your cpu and gpu.
Well that was more than a tad disappointing. Cute, but feels like one of the least informative videos in the series.
I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Like some, I feel that maybe the segment in the video where he turns off the light may mean light sources affect stealth. Skyrim definitely had a working function where light did affect your stealth success. Maybe they've made it so that there's a little more interactivity with the environment seems like we can shoot through walls now, so maybe we can shoot out lights or turn them off.
I'd think Light Step could also fit well under Dodging. You are afterall dodging the traps.
Dat Sandman perk though, lol! Vault boy stabbed the [censored] out of that dude in bed. I'm hoping enemies will really cut out the lights on you unexpectedly like in the video. Though I'm not taking things shown in previous SPECIAL vids like stealing magazine clips out of enemy weapons literal until I see visual conformation. The Luck video should be jokes.
Ah, i missed that.
Looked it up and in the bit where Bethesda writes about perk changes they indeed mention Light Step is now under the Sneak perk.
I would LOVE this! This is why I'll be testing the game out, before starting my first playthrough.