We have been lucky enough to run some awesome campaigns so far and we still have 3 weeks til launch
From a UK stand point we even have 2 community meets in the next 2 weeks!
We have been lucky enough to run some awesome campaigns so far and we still have 3 weeks til launch
From a UK stand point we even have 2 community meets in the next 2 weeks!
Sounds good.
What I find interesting is how the marketing for Fallout 4 has been so different to what other games companies do for their releases.
Keep in mind, my post was the day before they announced the wanderer trailer and a few days before they started playing it on TV.
So are you bragging that you were jumping the gun on criticizing Bethesda's Marketing or admitting that someone at Bethesda may know a bit more about timing a Marketing campaign than you?
Ooooo, snarky snark McSnark Snark. *Rolls eyes*
And yes, someone at BGS likely knows a bit more about the timing for their marketing campaign than me since they're privy to their budget numbers, their research, their resources (the list could go on and on). My background is in marketing, but each industry/niche will have different marketing methods that works for them, and I don't even work in the gaming industry.
But I'd say me posting about the lack of marketing right before they announce their marketing plans is pretty good timing on my part, even if I'm not intending to brag.
- - - - EDIT - - -
Gonna go Jackie Chan Adventures on you, and say "one more thing":
My OP wasn't criticizing BGS's marketing, just asking where it was, if anyone has seen it, and pre-addressing the inevitable "they don't need any, derp" response.
You know, 1876 a candy company was formed called Crystal A Caramels. Ol' Milton was a complete idiot when it came to business and never did any advertising. This sad state of affairs lasted for over 100 years. As a result it is only in recent years has anyone outside of Pennsylvania heard about Hershey's Chocolate. Imagine what a powerhouse they would be if they had only put up a sign here and there.
I know, right? I can't remember the last time I saw a commercial for Hershey's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQk41w638Nc
They were completely absent in my childhood-ish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV9DL931WJM
My grandparents couldn't even recall any of their ads - ever: https://www.google.com/search?q=old+hershey+ads&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CB0QsARqFQoTCN_n8Jfo0cgCFVbBYwodf_UJXw&biw=1366&bih=643
Good thing they got so much success from never having to market themselves.
- - - - -
At this point, I'd rather this thread just get locked, since 1) BGS staff came in and confirmed they were ramping up marketing the day after I made this post. Argue all you want, but BGS even knows they shouldn't promote FO4 on name recogition alone. 2) I've grown tired of the back and forth with people that clearly don't know what they're talking about. What's even worse is it's not people sharing an opinion that they disagree with me; it's that they're so steadfast in their resolve that they think they know what they are talking about and offer no justification or qualifications to their views (welcome to the internet, amirite?).
And you do need marketing, no matter how successful you think a product will be or how good it's awareness and recognition is. It's more than just TV ads that I was talking about in my original post. I didn't see anything - even on the front of a Gamestop - for Fallout 4 prior to the Wanderer trailer. So kudos to the two BGS staffers who dropped in and gave us a head's up on the trailer and upcoming plans. If there's one positive thing that came from this threads, it's that it shows BGS does look into this forum at least from time to time.
Yea, I think we will start seeing commercials after Thanksgiving. Increase sells for Christmas.
They want the heaviest saturation the week before Black Friday (Thanksgiving week).
What some here do not understand is they KNOW everyone that visits the is forum (ok 98%) have either already bought it or will buy it soon after release. No amount of advertising is going to change the mind of a genuine Fallout fan. Who they are after is the Parent just buying an Xbox One or PS4 for their kid for Christmas (the new potential customer).
And you weren't snarky at all in your OP...the one that wasn't criticizing the Marketing Bethesda was doing...m'kay.