My build is mostly Charismatic Sniper. Who's going to sneak around a lot too. And stab people. And blow them up. And riddle them with bullets.
I'm not good at limiting* myself to one combat style.
EDIT: *"Focusing" might be a better word.
Same here. Radscorpions are my reason for that.
... friggin' Radscorpions.
Tear shed for those who did not identify themselves clearly as non-enemies.
Seriously, my guess is that most people sneak attacked Uncle Leo the first time they saw him.
Yeah. My first game of FO3, I totally put a long-distance bullet into Uncle Leo. I know. I know. I shouldn't profile super mutants ....
There are several friendly NPCs I'm discovering for the first time in my melee trek through Skyrim that I've killed in my other playthroughs as a sneaky archer. Oops. It is really their fault for standing around outside bandit camps or inside dungeons. Innocent NPCs should really wear bright safety vests when hanging around adventuring sites.
Well, I'm no sneaky sniper, but I do love me guns where I can make every bullet count. So maybe I won't be sniping from 200 yards, but I'll be jumping into the fray with a Gauss Rifle, and if I can, a Gauss Pistol.
Judging from watching the Laser Muskett in action, it looks like the projectile speed of even base energy weapons accelerates pretty fast this time around. I would imagine in-game mods would only boost the DPS and accuracy prior to bullet drop physics factoring in. Also you would be able to fire off more shots per clip versus 5 round clips from standard rifles.
Once I'm confident in my combat, I like to role play my character as an angel of death or deliverance, like a movie scene, standing on a mountain overlooking the vault or building prior to entering. Feeling almost sorry for its current residents, knowing when I exit the building, looted corpses remain behind.
In CQC situations like vaults or underground subways, a double barrel, modded shotgun never failed to pucker up and kiss an enemy goodbye. I find silencers way more useful in games like Metal Gear Solid or even Far Cry where stealth could be critical due to various hiding spots and enemy reinforcements. In Fallout games, I'm perfectly fine with alerting vault dwellers of impending doom headed there way. Though sneak skills definitely has its perks in Fallout games.
I'm sure someone will mod out ash piles even on consoles in due time. Personally, I'd rather have dead bodies riddled with laser burn scars than magically vaporizing to green piles of goo. Even n Skyrim, I wasn't a fan of ash pile corpses. I would love a Red Dead Redemption style of locating dead bodies where you can see corpse markers on your mini map, at least for a temporary time. I can't count how many times I've lost track of locating corpses to loot due to me running around the battlefield.
Oh, yeah! I like the stealthy builds. I also like to keep a few weapons handy for different occasions. Sniper rifle for picking off targets, an LMG for just wandering the wastes, an SMG for indoors, and a hand gun in case all other ammo runs out. I haven't really used lasers and plasma much in the past, but I'll definitely try it out in Fallout 4.
I intend to make my character an energy weapons expert. Sniping will be a priority, but an plasma scatter gun and perhaps a silenced kinetic rifle (or hopefully Bethesda includes some sort of stealth energy weapon) for special occasions.
If you ever revisit previous games, definitely do and energy weapons build. Lots of fun to be had, dealing damage with cutting edge Wasteland technology.
And when all else fails, if has a zero chance of possible matches, is sure to help you score.
I always end up with a sniper. don't always start out making one though.
ide probably screw it up if I tried intentionally.
Smart move keeping one of every gun. Especially for your first playthrough. I wish we could take parts from one gun and use it to create or mod another instead of modding from scratch.
Explosives and energy, and some concealing clothing.
Most things in the game seem breakable into their component parts now. Do we know that you can't recycle guns?
I love my long range killin'. It's gotta be ballistics though. There's just something so much more satisfying about throwing a chunk of lead through someones head than a laser. It also threw me how inaccurate laser weapons were. It's not like a laser weapon should have recoil or anything. The only wavering should be on the shooter's part, but you have lasers spreading all over the place. Plasma maybe depending on how it's generated and discharged but for laser weapons it should be about energy dissipation over a distance, power of the beam, the power source, and possible overheating.
I'm also partial to explosives and a hand cannon if they manage to get close with a knife in the boot if I need to be silent in close quarters.