Damn, I totally missed that yesterday! Our first actual look at a new companion character from the unrevealed con/com footage, and they bury it in the middle of a Fallout Shelter promo!?
Damn, I totally missed that yesterday! Our first actual look at a new companion character from the unrevealed con/com footage, and they bury it in the middle of a Fallout Shelter promo!?
Cue mod project re-voice commences =)
Honestly, with the amount of mods I expect to be out for this, I wouldn't be surprised if some crew took it upon themselves to redo to voice acting. There were some decent NPC voicing for Skyrim after all.
Way to bury the lede in the unveil of your newspaper companion, Bethesda. Piper is a journalist for Todd sake. That's journalism 101.
In this case I think it's also the writing that feels dull.
"You support the news?" isn't to be answered with "What newspaper (who'd say that after "news"?) are you talking about? (extremely gamey question)", but with "I don't know what you're talking about, but go ahead, cue me in." or something like that. I'm german and even I can feel the artificiality.
Plus once again it's obvious that both VO recordings were done seperately. The field between the two feels nonexistant.
Lipsynching and animation are refreshingly nice though.
I agree the question is odd unless 'News' somehow means Newspaper in their world. The gap between dialog could be due to the need to select an option after every NPC question. I mean technically you could stay on that four option section for a minute ... just staring at her.
I'd imagine voice changing mods would be a thing right? Not sure what's out there but I'd think changing one audio track/directory to alter the tone could be done. There's a lot you can do with audio tools to change how someone sounds. Or, surely there will be a mod to silence the PC alltogether
I really hope they expand upon Fallout 3's implication that Arthur Maxson is going to unite the wastelands of the east coast.
Would be interesting to see if that is part of the BoS's reasons for being in Boston in Fo4.
That's the reason why I'd prefer a timefreeze while choosing your dialogue options. It'd simulate a fluid conversation much better imo.
Ever since it's become clear that Bethesda prefers the more iconic, delicate elements over the more substantial, dubious elements of the 'expanding on the lore' hierarchy than I personally would have, I find your views becoming increasingly similar to my own (mine to yours). I agree.
I know what you mean, but just to make it clear: Of course a story shouldn't evolve in order to reach a certain goal, but naturally.
It'd be interesting if the BoS finally gave birth to a new faction, a KINGDOM (or equivalent, to stay with the allegory) that sees the BoS as a military subsidiary.
''yo, it's been four minutes. Ya done starin'?''
You have any idea why this has become the norm? The timefreeze solution (probably with bigger fonts to emphasize the choice) seems so easy. Especially with background music that still keeps the flow going.
What's the advantage of possibly eternal staring animations?
I don't know. People like to think that every character is nice to them and waits for their response.
I agree, and Bethesda seems to know that.
They set up the destruction of Morrowind in Morrowind itself, and over Oblivion, and Skyrim, they actually followed through with that, but nothing they added felt specifically like it was added JUST SO Morrowind would get destroyed. It was all just stuff that hapened as a natural result of other things.
But the scene is abbreviated. There is at least one more character in the conversation, who may have said something like, "Your newspaper is pinko garbage and should be banned". Piper starts the scene we are shown stating "Lets ask the new guy...". Just saying there is not enough info to fully support your opinion.
I think Todd said you can just do other things during the conversation cut scenes, even shoot them in the face. So I guess you could start loading your gun? That being the case what stops the dialog? I have to walk away to a certain distance? Stare with no response for four minutes? Hit [Esc]? If I cut out in the middle of a dialog does it start over if I start talking to the NPC again?
Honestly, so many questions about this dialog system.
I'm still willing to bet money that Arthur Maxson is going to play a major role in Fallout 4. Its just too perfect a set-up for it to be anything else IMO.
Arthur, as new Elder of the East Coast Brotherhood, is intent on expanding the Brotherhood's control as an actual state far more than Elder Lyons was (and who, generally, seemed to be content to leave the wasteland to its affairs and not be a "government"). This leads the Brotherhood to the Commonwealth and the Institute, in a situation similar to the NCR coming upon New Vegas.
The Brotherhood deploys a massive military expedition to seize the Commonwealth and the Institute for its advanced technology, and Lord Arthur takes personal control of the expedition via his personal flagship, the Prydwen.
That's my theory anyway.
We don't know the full context of the scene. Someone may very well have had mention a newspaper beforehand.
Edit: And Ninja'd
It would be fitting.
King Arthur was destined to rule all of England.
Arthur Maxson believes it is his destiny to rule over all of (New) England Commonwealth.
Oh god, I don't want history lessons for the sake of being all symbolic and stuff.
The conversation was obviously cut down a lot, so they skipped things and that's why it sounds weird. The same thing happened with the conversation with Preston Garvey, and I daresay the conversation with Codsworth (although not as much).
For my main character, I will keep her voiced because the female voice is pretty similar to what I imagined for my character.
But obviously I can't do the Kuzya build in Fallout 4 without mods.
Yeah it's going to be hard for me to do my Pvt. Vasquez PC using that voice.