No, I always play cheat free.
After beating the game and sinking tons of hours in? Hell yeah.
A friend of mine was just talking about how badly he abused the leveling system in Skyrim after the legendary skill patch rolled around.
I never use the console on the first few play-thru's. I want to experience the game the way it was intended. Well, may be a few eye candy mods by the second play-thru but nothing that will change the game play. I save often and keep enough saves around that I can reload if something goes wrong. If there are some really bad bugs that can only be fixed with the console I would rather wait for BGS to patch it.
If I do it will probably only be tcl for when I get stuck or can't find my way up a mountain without spending 30 minutes backtracking to find a path I missed.
Only cheats I would use are cheats to do away with Carry Weight. Especially now since every item now has a purpose. The last thing I want to worry about is becoming over encumbered.
Aside from the occasional tcl to unstuck myself, no. After a couple of playthroughs, who knows. At some point in skyrim I always became bored of combat, because there rarely was any challenge. So, in order to keep the game interesting I would head up to Dragonsreach and enter the area where you capture the dragon. Aside from the odd guard, theres noone there that can die and spawn like 50 or more bandits in. Helluva fun ^^.
No cheating but if there is a bug I can't work around I will probably use console commands to fix that.
Yup. There has never been a Beth game I've never used console commands and this one will be no different. I love cheating.
No, I intend on playing the game the hard way - with trial and error and a lot of patience.
Little bit.
TCL/TWF if I want to search for something small and specific.
TFOW in case I get annoyed by the local map not showing everything.
Other than that, no.
After my first play through I'll take a look at the wiki, but I plan to take my time searching as much as I can on my own.
Does anyone know if the console commands from Skyrim and New Vegas are the same for FO4?