Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is any real gameplay of Fallout available to watch. I've seen the trailers, but that just doesn't do the same thing for me.
Thanks all!
The E3 footage and Xbox e3 footage both show lots of gameplay. Both have different action montages at the end.
Did you even TRY youtubing "fallout 4 gameplay"?
Anyways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t_YHgo_HN4 a video of all the E3 Gameplay footage if you haven't seen it yet.
There will probably be more before Nov 10.
[edit: The E3 footage is kinda uncut ingame footage. The only difference between what you're asking for is you basically want to see a whole quest? Like start to finish? am i right or no?]
Bethesda are keeping it very much under wraps to not spoil.
And as is traditional around here for new posters, please have a https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/87106516/fishy_stick.jpeg.
I think the OP is just looking for a few minutes of completely uncut gameplay footage. The Sole Survivor wandering a bit, getting into a combat encounter, looting, checking the Pip-Boy, etc.
The QuakeCon footage is basically this, but it hasn't been released publicly. Hopefully it will be prior to the release, 'cause I also would like to see some uncut gameplay, just to get a taste of it. You can look up where someone used a camera phone to tape it, but the quality isn't good at all.
Usually 10-15 min long uncut gameplay like that is the last of content publishers release other than a release trailer. I'm going to guess Nov 1st is the day this will become available. Or maybe Halloween O.o
[edit: Come to think of it Halloween would be brilliant advertising! Everyone will be going door to door or socializing at party's, kids socializing talking about the new Fallout trailer or footage O.o]
They've gotten into the habit of releasing something new each Thursday (the main theme, character system video, the live action trailer). We've got three Thursdays left until the game releases. Here's hoping one of them will see the release of an uncut gameplay video.
Edit: Wow. Only three Thursdays left. We're getting close.
Hopefully not - Fallout 4 isn't and should not be marketed to kids.
Unfortunately there is not anymore gameplay from what you have seen.
I am so torn on whether I want to see more as well. I really want to see like a good 15 minute mission uncut, but at the same time, I think it will be great going into the game with everything being fresh and not having a single thing spoiled.