Yes this. As far as I know, we have yet to be shown any dialogue from a first person perspective. This is something that I would really like to see.
It is first person when you go in to talk to Preston Garvey initially, but then it switches to 3rd person right away.
Same when talking to Codsworth and Dogmeat.
Well, if the animation is as bad as it shows in that Piper part. At least we have something else to laugh at while playing FO4 .
exactly. and when you compare to NV or F3 the improvements to all aspects of NPc.'s, well lets just say I cant find anything to complain about
>.>' Truthfully? People have already picked out things that are wrong with it in the previous thread..
Although there are certainly some issues and when you actually spend time trying to find them (like an entire thread for it), they become rather obvious.
As far as my actual sentiments go, I think nu_clear_day hits the right note. From what I have seen the animations and voice acting are largely improved from anything I have seen in Skyrim, or Fallout 3, or even New Vegas for that matter. If anything I'm just glad they seem to have gotten people that can actually voice act (I hope they provide a range of different voices too).
Looks pretty good to me - expressive! More importantly, once we get the background story and develop an emotional attachment to these characters, I'm sure people will be eating it up.
Just check this out: it's from witcher 3.
Pretty good, but has some room for improvement, especially the hair. However, if you had played W3 and gotten invested in these characters, it's a highly immersive scene that almost brought me to tears. As long as you have a story you're connecting with, it doesn't matter, to an extent, how good the graphics are or how insanely accurate the animation is, so long as the characters can express the emotion and story fully.
i watch the Fallout 4 videos so far i think the structure of the face is fine, and animation too, biggest problem i see was lipsink but probably they will fix that.
I can definitely appreciate the critique from a professional / expert like REL_Dovahkin. To a layman like me though, it looks great. My opinion might change if I saw FO4 play out beside a game that had excellent professional cinematography rather than procedurally generate cam angles. But as it stands I'm only comparing it against other Beth games, and the RPGs I was raised on.
Just because it's not perfect, doesn't mean it's not an improvement. I'm content with the facial animations and everything else. Although, most of my opinions are reserved until I actually experience the game for myself. I look forward to that moment.
From what we've seen so far with Piper, there seems to be more emoting in dialogue, which I'm all for. As for the facial animations, I still think they're fine.
It looks just fine to me. An improvement over Skyrim.
Altough i never expected Fallout 4 to be a graphical powerhouse. But after the year of disapointment that was 2014 setting some realistic standards is kind of refreshing. Sure Fallout 4 isn't going to be the most impressive looking game, but it's an improvement over previous Bethesda titles and i don't have to worry about visual downgrades (looking at you, Watchdogs and Witcher). The latter was probably also due to the relative late reveal in the development process.
But yeah, looks good to me. Graphics are not the be all, end all for me. Aslong as it looks decent, runs well, and above all has good gameplay.
I think people are so used to mo-cap in games now that they simply aren't comparing correctly or fairly. When comparing Beths studio to other studio's people need to realize that Skyrim was made by around 90 people. F4 probably has about the same amount of people working on it. To put that into perspective, The Witcher 3 was made by over 250 people. COD MW3 was made by 500 people and Assassins Creed 4 was made by over 1000 people.
Looks to be a improvement over the last two releases of The Best Game of All Time.
That's what the fancy new consoles get us I guess. We had 4 Bethesda games on that Xbox 360, I am happy to be out from under its shadow.
Too early to tell, but from what i saw already - it is far from impressive, very far.
It is better then in Skyrim, but if you seriously thought that it won't be better then in 2011 game, wow.
Piper's face in Fallout 4.
LA Noir's facial animations.
The faces in fallout 4 wont look that spectacular,but they look good enough for the type of game you'll be playing.
One thing that's going to hold back Bethesda's games in terms of facial animation is just the nature of their facial customization system. Now, I like their customization options - you can create a lot of faces with that system. Alongside that, however, is that every NPC in the game is also constructed with this method. So Piper, for example, is really just a collection of slider settings.
The downside is that means every character in the game is essentially a morph of the same set of meshes. The rigging for something like that would be... problematic, to put it lightly. There's pluses and minuses to going this route and someone with more than a couple of outdated classes in 3D modeling could explain it better than I.
The net result, though, is that whereas a game like Assassin's Creed is going to have each character individually built, rigged, and animated by hand (and I think of late they've been putting out some great digital acting actually,) something like Fallout 4 is not going to have as... specific a set of animations and detail. Bethesda's games are, by nature, going to be a bit more adaptive and plug-and-play (you can essentially create a whole new NPC via the sliders and they're going to enter the game world fully rigged and animated with facial animations that match all the other NPCs in the game.) But to really hit the high bar you kind of require specificity.
Bethesda does a lot of things really well. And all studios have their particular quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. Bethesda just isn't the top animation studio in the business, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that mind you.
What I do like to see is continued improvement. It appears they're not exactly resting on their laurels in terms of animation here, and I think that's a very good thing to see.
It looks like it starts in 1st person when the NPC is talking and then cuts to 3rd person for your response.
I agree with you. Started gaming on an old Tandy with Zork. I'm completely happy with what I've seen of the facial animation. Better than anything I'm seen in a Bethesda game to date, and I've been satisfied with all the previous games. (Well, Oblivion's characters were all potato faces...)
Besides, haven't most of the people who watched the footage at Quakecon said the Piper video was in sync when they watched it at the event? They claim the video released in the Fallout Shelter video is slightly out of sync.
While it's somewhat of an improvement from previous games, I'm still pretty disappointed how sub-par the facial animations are.