Lol, is that what he said? Well, frankly, Mr. Hines or Bethesda wouldn't mind bothering us on a Saturday asking for our money, no?
Anyways, I guess this is the price of being a celebrity but in this case it isn't Hines but FO4. If you can't take the heat than why bother being in the profession? Had I been in his position I would simply not have answered(instead of a rude reply), or simply say, "My friend, it's a Saturday and I'm enjoying my only few days I've with my family, so wait till Monday when I'm back to FO4 mode:) "
Btw, even though I agree that fans can act like downright spoiled brats, they have a reasonable "entitlement" sentiment since they are, after all, paying for the game and some already have. It isn't like Beth has created a free mod for them.