I'll go real immature and name them all "your mom"
I'll go real immature and name them all "your mom"
I'm going to have a shotgun called Larks Tongue and a Gauss Rifle named Tarkus.
Laser sniper rifle: Nikola's Finger
Automatic Laser rifle: Nikola's Fury
A laser rifle named "This Machine Evaporates Commies"
And if http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/.223_pistol ever makes its return I think I'll name it either "Rick" or "Horselover Fats"
An automatic shotgun called The Street Sweeper.
(Assuming it's possible to make an automatic shotgun.)
The Berserker would be a good fit, too.
"This Machine Kills Commies"
I love that, http://www.gamesas.com/user/944207-effehezepe/.
A combat shotgun called "Trevor's Terrible Shotgun"
Probably the corny stuff that I normally name my weapons like "Protector" and "Defender" or something else that suits the weapon specifically (like a baseball bat called Home Base) as well as one named after the spouse if she is dead and the companion, if any, that I romance.