Can you fast travel with the pip-boy?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:24 am

I shouldn't be stuck with a annoying twist to a perfectly good mechanic because others have a personal problem, a game shouldn't solve everyones problems, go get a book about self control instead.

And shouldn't how much I explore or not be my choice?
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:14 am

Why would you be annoyed if fast travel either was only possible between reasonably placed settlements via Caravans and cost caps, or with the cost of say a pack of sugarbombs and a bottle of water? It was jsut a suggestion by the way, I think it is too easy to get around and there should be a cost to it.

So relax, the game is gold already, whatever system is used, nobody will be able to alter it. It will likely just use the easy casual and convenient system of Skyrim. People here are just throwing assumptions and suggestions around, no need for all the hassle.

That said, the pace and how much you can see of the game is largely based around the mechanics of said game only by a small amount by the player itself.

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Danny Blight
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:12 pm

The difference between vertibird travel and fast travel is likely that vertibirds will take you to locations even if you haven't discovered them yet.
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CSar L
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:03 pm

But there's no cost to it when I walk back & forth to Megaton/Novac/Whiterun again, through empty territory & no encounters.

Well except for my personal time. And I already will spend plenty of time with this F04 (as I have with several previous ones), so I see no need to pad out my gametime ("see what incredible value the game is? 400 hours of play for just $60" "But 100 of those hours were spent walking back and forth to your house. What amazing adventure.") with repetitive and mind-numbing tedium.


Typical early-game adventuring for me, in FO3. Pick a quest far away in a direction I haven't explored - like going to Republic of Dave. Start walking there from Megaton. Get distracted by dungeon - explore it, loot it, exit. My inventory is full. FT to Megaton, deal with loot, FT back to Dungeon A. Continue walking towards RoD. Get distracted by Dungeon B - explore it, loot it, exit. Inventory's full again. FT to Megaton, deal with loot FT back to Dungeon B. Continue towards RoD. Repeat this many times, until I finally get to the Republic, several IRL days of playing later. Nothing in this experience would be improved by replacing each of those "FT to megaton/FT back to where I left off" segments with "trudge mindlessly across empty terrain, over an ever-increasingly-long route". In fact, it would likely make the experience much more miserable, as larger and larger portions of my play time each day was svcked up by busywork and repetition. Making me enjoy the game less.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:51 pm

What? I doubt we'll be able to tell the vertibird to go anywhere and you're thinking we can tell it to go to places we haven't even discovered yet?

I'll bet that vertibird cutscene is one mission and it's a ride on rails shoot at the rooftops while we fly by until you can jump out kind of deal. They've spent a tremendous amount of time balancing the game. A vertibird to drop us into battle in PA sounds really overpowered.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:29 am

Yeah I acknowledged that in one of my first posts. Of course this can be tedious. Yet I think Skyrim did alright, it is all about the things you see and can do in between the trips. The trips must never be too long of course and even when you do them a second time it should not feel boring. Interesting landmarks, encounters on the way, stuff like this really make the time worthwhile. And yeah we do a lot of wandering around in these games, already and sometimes it can be tiring, but I believe with a bit thought put into it it would never be a chore.

And again, likely we will have unlimited fast travel, I do not mind, I just think another mechanic would be better.

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Shae Munro
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:30 am

I would hope fast travel us in. Normally I dislike fast travel but F3 was a rare exception. The DC Wasteland had some incredibly cumbersome areas to traverse through (such as needing to cross the subway system to even get to DC proper.) And it just got old after a while.
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helen buchan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:35 pm

Who said anything about PA, or dropping us into the middle of a battle?

What I am positing is that they are along the lines of carriages. They will take you to a place you have not fast traveled yet- for a fee or something.

Vertibird use during a mission only is just as much speculative as what I've said, please remember that. It could very well be that we need a perk, or an alliance, or that it costs, or can be used after X amount of time between rides.

If we are able to use it to travel to places we have not been (like carriages did in Skyrim), it doesn't need to be implemented in a way overpowers or unbalances the game.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:46 pm

Edited, misread the post I replied to.

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