Well, a bit of smell implementation, however it's done, would add to verisimilitude, which is certainly a plus. Even if it's just the buzzing of flies around a mutant's gore bag or the like.
I don't know if I want to have my perception go down just because I decide to wear a nice bandana.
But I guess the plus 10 to sneak because people can't smell my bad breath would be good compensation.
Walking around vault 3 with Raul I had fiends saying "your ghoul smells like ass" non-stop.
Funny coming from fiends...
Before 2077, a genetic cure to BO was created resulting in no one stinking in the wasteland. Unless they decide to take a bath in sewage. Deodorant doesn't exist in 2077 just scented body sprays.
Can't believe I completely overlooked TP and deodorant sticks. Shes got a well thought out plan. Though where I live, a major hurricane disaster seems more likely than a zombiapocalyse. Still those items will be a valuable resource. I imagine other everyday household items will become valuable resource in the future. Last year, when hostess closed its factories. I remember reading the news about people around the country were p.o., sad, mad, etc. Then a few days later over on ebay, people who had the last batch were selling 10x the price. An people were buying them. Years ago, I tried it once but didn't like it. I'm more of a oreos person.
She must watch many zombie tv shows....TWD, Zombie Nation, izombie. Or countless movies.
Yes, actually. Fallout 4 does include a way for characters to sense smell in the game.. but only if you have the new virtual smell o' vision system enabled. This allows the game to actually detect your smell and apply it to your character.. NPC's will then comment about your smell in game. It's a pretty cool system and only costs $1500 dollars. I recommend everyone buy one today.
I'm on it and have already setup my purchase for this item. Can't wait for it to arrive and will let everyone know once I hook it up!