Settlements and mods

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:08 am

What features would you like modded into settlements? We can hazard a guess some of the outlandish things some of us want will not be included.

1 - Politics. Not sure if any of you fine folks have played guild 2. But I'd like to be able to run for office. Use my various stats to persuade/bribe/intimidate those folks into giving me power. Power in this case could be sending folks into the wasteland to gather things for you, or a tax box you can pilfer from.

2 - Prewar buildings. It might make a nice change to have a gated city. Yeah, I am probably channeling my old vault city roaming days.

3 - Casinos. Ring-a-ding baby.

4 - Bioshock type cities. Either in the clouds or under the water. Considering some of the nice homes vegas and even skyrim had underwater, it should be possible to make. Talking about places that were modded in. Considering the set pieces we have for making buildings it should be possible. Portals instead of windows, etc etc.

5 - Businesses. Sure the trailer mentioned a bar and the like. But I have my doubts it will be player owned. Even if it is, having other types of shops like tanneries, bookshops and weaponsmiths -- all player owned would be neat. Think of throwing gear you scavenged into a container and either selling it to a villager, or having it broken down and turned into something else.

Anyhow those are my wishlist of mods for settlements. What features do *you* want to see? :-)

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:26 am

Besides cities in the clouds, which is too outlandish for me since I hate stuff that is very lore-unfriendly and therefore pulls me right out of the game experience, everything else sounds pretty awesome. I especially like the idea of having something like a casino or something else that would have a lively community.

Personally, what I would want to have most is to have my own battle arena in my town, and you can capture raiders who attempt to break into your settlement and pit them against creatures and you and other settlers can place bets.

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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:38 am

Casinos (the lucky wheel at least) which actually make ME caps, because you know house always wins.


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Kate Murrell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:58 am

having my own Vault as a Settlement.

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Vincent Joe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:52 am

I've been thinking on this a lot. I'd like to see a sort of strategy game element added to the Settlements - stuff like a 'tech tree' (though I'd have it be a 'training tree' instead, describing what types of objects the workers are capable of building and using), as well as the requirement to send your workers out to locations around your settlement (that you've cleared out) in order to secure resources which are required for higher-tech constructions (like cement/adobe buildings similar to Vault City's in Fallout 2). These locations would then be fought over with other factions in the game.

I'd also want a number of MGSV-like additions, such as the ability to call artillery fire (we've already seen you can construct artillery pieces, but I doubt they can fire out of line of sight by default) and the ability to construct and man a Vertibird refueling/resupply station (whose efficiency depends upon what you've constructed and how your assigned workers are trained and what their SPECIAL stats are).

Finally, stuff should take time and not be too easy. Things should take time to construct, rather than just appear, and they should require workers to be assigned to construction tasks.

Also, I really like the idea of needing trainers to select higher-level Perks - and what those trainers can train would then depend upon their level and/or SPECIAL stats.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:00 am

Someone will probably convert Vault 111 into a tourist attraction.

Complete with a tour guide that will lead you around and show off the trophies of the LS. There will be a nifty gift shop at the end with some modded goodies.

So the mod would function as a completionist mod, basically you have to complete objectives, quests, and find rare items to fill the attraction with.

Can it be done, in fact someone made such a mod for Skyrim and even went as far as including stuff from a dozen other adventure mods...Like there wasn't enough in Skyrim to fill such a mod with haha.

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Amber Ably
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:35 am

The settlement crafting is going to have so much modding potential. Even just adding onto the base content with new locations, building components or settlers will be terrific, but I'm sure modders will get extremely creative with using those new features in different ways.

Imagine a Frostfall-esque mod where you can use the Workshop menu to throw down a temporary camp anywhere, or set down turrets during combat.

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Jade Payton
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:52 am

Since it is Boston, would a Frostfall mod be out of place?

I mean well its Boston they had one of the coldest winters on record what like last year?

Also yes a camping mod would be really sweet.

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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:21 pm

Well, I don't mean a carbon copy of Frostfall, but a survival/camping oriented mod in the same spirit, that matches Fallout 4's weather patterns.

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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:47 pm

Being able to have a settlement of raiders/slavers.

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James Hate
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:26 pm

Wanna be able to collect stuff from the wasteland and have it displayed around my house. Also some crazy ass light show that I can see from a distance.
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:59 pm

Close to Boston and we got around 108 inches of snow last year if I'm remembering correctly. I spent so many hours on roofs with a hammer and chisel taking down giant slabs of ice it wasn't even funny. We no longer had just icicles hanging off of our roofs, we also occasionally had thick Ice Columns that stretched down more than one story all the way to the ground.

But yes I'm very excited for the potential mods related to settlements. I can't wait to see what some creative people come up with.
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trisha punch
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:19 am

I want to create Bob's Party Time Lounge, a casino, bar, [censored] house (place where ladies of the evening work, damn censors), and chem den all in one convenient location. You know somewhere nice to relax after along day.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:29 pm

Much of this is going to depend on exactly how the CK interface deals with the Settlement building system features of the game. They've never been in a BGS game before, so it's going to be an entirely new aspect of modding. From what the Devs have stated so far, it may be just as interesting (or possibly more interesting) to see what players can come up with just using the settlement system itself.

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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:43 am

I'd just like the options of clean upholstery and fresh paint.

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louise fortin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:38 am

I want to be able to catch Deathclaws and chain them up spaced evenly around my settlement to form a perimeter. Also I want to build cages and stock them with all sorts of wasteland creatures (molerats, mirelurks, raiders, feral ghouls, etc.) to make a zoo.

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