What features would you like modded into settlements? We can hazard a guess some of the outlandish things some of us want will not be included.
1 - Politics. Not sure if any of you fine folks have played guild 2. But I'd like to be able to run for office. Use my various stats to persuade/bribe/intimidate those folks into giving me power. Power in this case could be sending folks into the wasteland to gather things for you, or a tax box you can pilfer from.
2 - Prewar buildings. It might make a nice change to have a gated city. Yeah, I am probably channeling my old vault city roaming days.
3 - Casinos. Ring-a-ding baby.
4 - Bioshock type cities. Either in the clouds or under the water. Considering some of the nice homes vegas and even skyrim had underwater, it should be possible to make. Talking about places that were modded in. Considering the set pieces we have for making buildings it should be possible. Portals instead of windows, etc etc.
5 - Businesses. Sure the trailer mentioned a bar and the like. But I have my doubts it will be player owned. Even if it is, having other types of shops like tanneries, bookshops and weaponsmiths -- all player owned would be neat. Think of throwing gear you scavenged into a container and either selling it to a villager, or having it broken down and turned into something else.
Anyhow those are my wishlist of mods for settlements. What features do *you* want to see?