I'm definitely excited for Fallout 4; I can't wait to play it. On the other hand I'm worried it'll come too soon. I've been waiting for Frostfall 3.0 to do another Skyrim build and playthrough, something which I haven't done for a very long time and am genuinely very excited about. Last month I bought an Xbox One on impulse and am now working my way through The Master Chief Collection and Forza Horizon 2. I've also had my eyes on some GTA5 mods which have received some updates this week which makes another playthrough of that high on my priority list too. Throw Halo 5: Guardians coming out before Christmas into the mix and there's a lot of game-time I'd like to put in in the near future.
I'm excited to do all these things, but when Fallout 4 hits that'll likely be it for six months. I'll play nothing else. I won't mean to, it'll just happen.
Damn first world problems.