I haven't seen this on the forums, but according too express.co, Fallout 4 will be unlocked and playable at 12:01 am EST for the US.
I haven't seen this on the forums, but according too express.co, Fallout 4 will be unlocked and playable at 12:01 am EST for the US.
That's quite cool that the entire US gets to play at the same time.
And it's only 4 hours behind the unlock time for the UK!
November 9th. 11 PM, local time. Me, leaned in close to the screen, waiting for Steam to unlock my preload.....
This is the 4th thread about this? You'd have to actively TRY not to see anything about this
It doesn't matter... I still have to wait for Amazon to drop off my pipboy edition. swear i'm gonna rock that thing at work.... look guys, my new smart watch has come in.