He's probably leading that particular group of minutemen. The rest of the faction is probably led by someone else - the chance meeting with Preston gives you the opportunity to join them since he'll probably vouch for you.
He's probably leading that particular group of minutemen. The rest of the faction is probably led by someone else - the chance meeting with Preston gives you the opportunity to join them since he'll probably vouch for you.
Maybe those are all that's left of the Minutemen, and the questline is about building up an almost new faction and deciding the direction it takes.
According to the leaked script, NONE of those people, sans Preston OFC, are Minutemen, they are people from Quincy looking for a new place to live, and he was escorting them.
If there is a Protectron, am definitely using it as a Companion
I wonder if there is a deathclaw companion muhahaha
good question. I'd guess you can only romance one character a time otherwise other char becomes jealous?
so looks like you need to take certain perks to be able to get specific achievements? like the hacking one?
Me and you had a discussion about the Minutemen a while back! I still have the belief that thats the only ones left. I also will add that they do have several quest tied to them. My theory? They go either way and that the player has the ability to 'bring them up' and make them strong and influence their views. I also think because of their altruism towards citizens of the waste, that they are tied into settlements and they will become the 'de facto' militiamen for the towns if you let them.
Makes sense, Minutemen were normal people during the Revolutionary War who would be ready to take up arms against the lobster backs in a 'minutes notice'.
Nah. Unless there's a dearth of Very Easy terminals/locks, or it's like Fallout 3/New Vegas and you're required to take the perks to even attempt harder difficulties - although I'd bet my Nuka Cola that it's more like Skyrim, and you can always attempt harder locks/terminals. I could be wrong, though.
Now, if there aren't actually sports in Fallout 4, those achievements for scoring a home run and a touchdown might be related to perks. Scoring a home run with a raider's head with the last Big Leagues perk, or charging through a ton of raiders with the S10 perk to score a touchdown.
I would assume though that for the "reverse pickpocket" thing needed for one of the perks, you would need to take that perk maybe even with a higher rank.
Also if Homerun is related to the big leagues perk you definitely need to take rank 5 to get it
Probably, isnt weird or the first time that u need to get some perk/abilities to complete Achievements.