Character Backstories...?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:08 pm

With Fallout 4 just around the corner, I thought I'd start to properly flesh out my character's background story and how that will affect my initial distribution of SPECIAL points and skill points. Went online to get some inspiration and can only seem to find people complaining that FO4 limits roleplaying options by forcing you to be in a hetrosixual relationship with a child. Considering that seems to be the only information we're given of the characters' pre-war lives, I don't see much issue with it, especially considering my initial backstory allows the marriage to be a fake for both the male and female characters.

Sooo... I was just wondering what sort of background stories people had created for their characters?

Here's mine:

Male - Logen

2036 - Born in New York to a British father and a French mother.

2051 - A naturally gifted scientist, Logen created a functioning micro fusion reactor in his parent's flat. Although only operational for a short time, the unauthorised radiation spike on the reactor housing was detected and government agents raided their flat. Logen's parents' visas were rescinded and they were deported back to Europe. Logen was taken to work for the government at the Sierra Army Depot under the promise that if he helped the nation through these tough times, his parents would be allowed to return.

2057 - Logen's father is killed in the Euro-Middle East war.

2059 - Logen is the lead scientist developing the first artificial intelligence. Despite having lived his entire life in the US, xenophobic sentiment is being forced on to the public by corporate advertising and government campaigns and his breakthrough is attributed to a "more American" scientist. Despite being uneasy about creating implements of war, Logen focuses his efforts on advanced weapon development to score more visa points to get his mother back to the US.

2061 - Logen's mother is among millions fleeing the ruins of Europe. She is held at a floating migrant camp 50 miles off the east coast of America.

2063 - Logen's mother dies of TB in the overcrowded migrant camp. Logen's superiors decide to withold this information.

2064 - Logen is told his mother has been allowed back in to the states but is deciding to remain at the camp to provide medical aid. He is denied contact due to "security reason".

2066 - Intel has suggested that China have a stealth suit in production that will render the wearer invisible. Logen joins a team of special forces soldiers to go deep into mainland China, assess their progress, steal relevant data and destroy their lab before they can make working prototypes. The Chinese were expecting them and used the incursion to test their fully functioning suits. The SF unit are completely wiped out. Logen is captured and interrogated. Satisfied he was only a civilian advisor, he is transferred to Beijing Central Prison to serve 8 consecutive life sentences for the 8 chinese soldiers that died in the assault (all died from suit malfunctions however).

2068 - Logen's cell mate is a local Triad boss who orchestrates a prison break with his contacts on the outside. Logen is allowed to join him in exchange for helping override the prison secuity doors.

2069 - After several months hiding with the Triads and upgrading their weaponry, the Triad boss helps get Logen aboard a Chinese transport ship to the Anchorage front line. On arrival, Logen escapes into the wilderness. The US camp is too well defended, so Logen makes his way along the oil pipeline. He is captured by Canadian nationalists.

2070 - The nationalists attempt to ransom off Logen along with a number of US oil workers. The US send in soldiers who rescue the workers. Military Intelligence are unsatisfied with Logen's tale of events and he is taken to a secret prison.

2072 - Logen is released under a supervised work program at MIT. Still sceptical of his allegences and mental state, Logen is assigned a therapist - Freya.

2075 - Having pursued a relationship outside of their sessions, Logen and Freya get married.

2077 - 41 y.o. FO4. An unkown Vault-Tec executive bypasses security checks and ensures Logen is given a place Vault 111.

S - average

P - above average

E - above average

C - rock bottom (mentally broken from all that has happened to him)

I - through the roof
A - below average

L - rock bottom

Skills - Science, Repair, Explosives, anything technical really.

Logen isn't much of a people person but is liked by people that get past his awkwardness and get to know him. He would've been ruggedly good looking, but years of torture and interrogation have left him heavily scarred. In combat he prefers to either pick enemies off from afar with advanced modified sniper rifles or lay explosive traps. His experiences however have made him excellent at survival and he will adapt to his environment.

Female - Freya (still needs a lot of work)

2043 - Born to American politicians in Washington DC.

2061 - Enrols at Berkeley, School of Psychology. Joins ROTC.

2064 - Graduates. Having done training programs in mountain warfare, is assigned to Alaska to help protect the pipeline.

2065 - Freya's skills are put to better use, assessing the mental well being of fellow soldiers.

2067 - One of her patients expresses solicialist sympathies in a session. Knowing all meetings are recorded, Freya reports him to his CO. The soldier is executed for treason the following morning and Freya is recruited into Military Intelligence.

2070 - Freya is responsible for assessing an American scientist that has spent the last 4 years in enemy hands. He appears to be kept in a heavily drugged state and barely remembers each visit. As such little progress is made and Freya's report is inconclusive.

2072 - Freya is assigned to Boston to spy on the scientist, Logen, she assessed back in Canada. She is instructed to pursue a relationship outside of their sessions and monitor his activities closely.

2075 - Logen and Freya get married.

2077 - 34 y.o. FO4

S - below average

P - above average

E - below average

C - high

I - average

A - above average

L - below average

skills - Small guns, speech, medicine

Beautiful and charismatic, Freya can talk her way out of nearly any situation. When this fails though, things are a obviously too close for long ranged weaponry, so she relies on machine pistols or her trusty knife. Monsters she can't beguile and are too big for her dagger, she relies on stealth and agility to avoid.

These characters can be in a genuine loving relationship, or Freya is very committed to her assignment, or Logen was turned by the Chinese and this is simply his cover. The marriage and child just give a focal point to converge your backstories, they don't have to dictate everything about ones characters.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:51 am

Damn that's well written! I should do the same.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:02 pm

Imagination. Some people know how to use it, others do not.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:04 pm

The story of Fearonica, a reincarnation of a delusional anti-cosmic demi-god that is condemned to re-live her life in various dimensions and to fullfill her destiny in each and every one of the dimensions where she reappear.

Or, it's just my player character that have followed through from several games. I guess I don't put so much energy into coming up with a backstory really. :)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:47 pm

Mira born 2053-54 in Boston. Was kicked out in military because of poisoning incident and the fact she is mentally unstable lunatic.

Too bad the paperwork never reached the desk of top brass. So basicly she has no record of being kicked out.

Abducted her husband couple years before war. They had shotgun wedding. She was holdin the gun.

S: minimal

P: decent

E: minimal

C: high

I: rock bottom

A: quite low

L: Super high

She is devouted worshipper of old gods. She made altar of ancient ones, when the house was bought.

After she setled down. She started a notorious scam about weight losing holotapes. Then she sold various spiritual lights and Stones in magazine. Last but not least she had herbal remedy store in the living room. Mainly she sold various poisonous shrooms, plants and chemicals.

The great war started before officials had a clue about her finacial stuff.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:08 am

I think I've got three characters all figured out, mostly. At least I have a good starting point, anyway.









Tanky scientist, a former MIT professor that's bitter about being fired. Good-natured jerk, treats everyone like crap, but always does the right thing in the end. He's the hero the wasteland needs, but not the hero anyone wants. Hates authority and doesn't suffer liars.









Obsessed with fantasy fiction before the Great War, the loss of his family and the world he held dear finally pushed him over the edge. Now he's convinced that the wasteland is, in fact, a pastoral medieval fantasy land - and he chooses to be a questing knight-errant in it.









I just want to see if I can play Fallout 4 as if it were DOOM. So, Cecilly is my "Doomgal" - solitary, savage, and skilled. Solves every problem with violence, always goes in guns blazing. I can even imitate the loadout - Fists, a Ripper, a 10mm Pistol, a 10mm SMG, (or some pair of pistol/machine gun that uses common ammo), a Combat Shotgun, a Sawed-Off Shotgun, a Rocket Launcher, and a Big F'ing Gatling Laser.

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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:20 am

Great post, if you don't mind me borrowing your format (makes it very easy to digest and follow!) I'll post mine:

Male: Mitch

2045 - Born to a standard all american family.

2047 - Younger brother Peter born with autism.

2055 - First fight, defending younger brother from bullies; publicly reprimanded by mother in front of the principle... privately dad says he's proud.

2059 - Dad has a heart attack, leaves Mitch (14), Peter (12), and mother.

2060 - Mitch gets in an increasing number of fights, end up having to move away

2063 - Is offered a Lacrosse scholarship at Syracuse University, very skilled. Begins to learn Judo. Meets dream girl.

2067 - A cross Atlantic flight is hijacked and destroyed by Chinese radicals. (Black belt at Judo by now as well)

2068 - A 23 year old Mitch is approached by a CIA therapist, asking him if he would like to train to be part of a covert group waging war against china.

2070 - After two years training Mitch is given leave to work in and against China, taking out key figures. Not on the official CIA bill, but using their support.

2075 - Mitch's covers blown after following a lead back to Washington, and despite being congratulated, his identity and role is now under much more scrutiny by the press.

2075 - Meets a reporter for the Washington post, despite an unsteady start (problems with the whole 'its classified' business) they get together, marry and she accepts his job, having an idea but not knowing the details.

2076 - His son Shaun is born.

2075 -> 2077 - Due to the publicity Mitch is now forced to work at CIA as an official operative, limiting him mostly to training excursions, and ops that have gone through official channels first.

2077 - Official declaration of war, bombs drop. Due to Mitch's status in the CIA he gets a special place reserved in 111, does his best to get his family into the vault.(not sure on prologue yet and who survives etc so this is where the game starts roughly)

Specials roughly as follows:

Strenght - Average

Perception - High

Endurance - average

Charisma - below average

intelligence - average

agility - above average

luck - rock bottom (makes his own luck :cool: )

Skills: pistols, sneak, something else?

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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:50 am

I'm holding off on backstories this time, until I see what details the game will provide. Then I'll build around that.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:59 pm

Sadly I need help making one because all I can think of right now is that my first character will be a guy usually with a punkish hair style with hair that goes over to one side like my own or something classy and that he is overal good at the start of the game, trusting to a fault but something happens and he turns more natural stance and turns to cannibalism as a means of survival first but than that turns to enjoyment as a thing to do as he slowly goes more insane to the people around him.

His stats

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:16 am

@ SnuggleCuddles I laughed a little at that :banana: Wouldn't even know where to begin :blink:

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Nany Smith
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:38 am

Ya it's a mess XD I just am focusing to much on the ccannibalism XD rofl
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:27 pm

Cyrus is a strange man from southern Arizona where his while-pregnant mother migrated to from the heart of Fars, Iran before the Euro-Middle Eastern conflict after being told so by her husband, who was conscripted into the military for the foreseeable conflict. Cyrus had always been fascinated with his namesake, the great conqueror Cyrus the Great whom built a great empire from the ashes of many different cultures and ruled the known world. As a result, Cyrus studied many aspects of his namesakes campaigning and life. He took a great interest in sword-play branching out from there, where it was discovered he was a prodigy with the sword. His time in the deserts of Arizona and the Boy Scouts of America turned him into a powerful warrior who was able to survive the harshest temperatures and elements thrown at him while mastering guns and other weapons. He was also very bookish, studying all sorts of subjects ranging from computers to lock picking, mostly history and strategy and tactics from the greatest military minds of history. Cyrus was a quiet boy, keeping to himself and hardly making any friends yet displayed loyalty to those he considered his friends and his mother, whom sacrificed a great deal to ensure her son was given a good life in America.

Following his fathers example, he joined the U.S military and was professionally trained by them before being deployed to Alaska to repel the Chinese invasion. He quickly distinguished himself in battle as a tactical genius with a clear, concise mind in battle and great bravery which inspired his fellow comrades around him. His unit became very distinguished during the battle of Anchorage and was given a major role in pushing the Chinese back and he himself became known for his sharp aim and deadly-yet-odd skills with a sword. During one operation, his unit was ambushed but ultimately prevailed. In the ensuing chaos however, his units long-time medic, a women named Rei was kidnapped, much to the displeasure of his unit who wanted to return to base to complete their mission, Cyrus went AWOL determined to save Rei from the clutches of the brutal Chinese. He managed to track the survivors to a Chinese camp where Rei was being treated like a sub-human, being tortured physically, psychologically and sixually for intel. Cyrus fought bravely through the camp, becoming severely wounded in the process but managing to free Rei, who in turn, was vital in helping him fight out and escape from the very camp with his life intact. The camp was burned to the ground and the two escaped into the night.

The two began their long journey back to the American base when a great snowstorm caused the injured duo to seek shelter in an abandoned factory. It was here where the two confronted their feelings for one another over a period of days as the snow raged outside while Rei nursed him back to health. The two decided to marry in the dead, cold factory to share their happiness now if they were to die in the factory and shared their desperate love that night. Thankfully, the next day the storm subsided and the two lovers continued their journey back to the American base. The arrival of the two was a great joy to the many who feared them dead and were lauded as heroes, but the superiors were angered by Cyrus' choice to abandon the military for one woman. He was honorably discharged while his new wife was also discharged on account of being pregnant and for other reasons due to her capture.

The two found quarters in Boston on the military's dime where they experienced a short wonderful life of pure bliss and love where they exposed their true feelings for one another in civilian life. The two had a son they named Shaun whom they loved dearly and planned to raise together... Needless to say, their happy life would come to an explosive end and the greatest adventure of Cyrus' life, one beyond his wildest dreams would begin and a nation would be born from the ashes of post apocalyptic America.






Will write a story for Rei soon!

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:40 am

Haha, love the way that's casually dropped in there.

Getting some good ideas about how to make my female character less of a supporting role

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:27 am

That's a lot of thought you put into this, and would make for a pretty interesting plot. I usually have a pretty bare backstory that I think up while creating my characters, but maybe fleshing them out more will change the experience. I don't really have as much knowledge of the pre-war timeline, so that might be something fun to read up on while I try to avoid spoilers here.

I'm not sure about my main character's name yet, we'll start with Morgan, born to a completely average uninteresting family. She has a brother and sister who are significantly older, like 10 years, and are universally loved and respected. Morgan meanwhile isn't particularly good at anything, and tends to hang with the wrong crowd. The brother joins the military, while the sister becomes a scientist. Both of them are killed within days of each other, in a "training exercise" and a "terrorist attack" respectively (the official stories are probably true, but there are doubts). Her parents are devastated and sink into deep depression, barely registering that she's still alive. Morgan dedicates herself to try to make up for their losses, cleans herself up, and basically sacrifices her self to become what her family and country need. Maybe joins the Army Corps of Engineers if that fits with the prologue. She marries a childhood friend mostly out of convenience and desire to have a normal, True American Family that suits the priorities of her parents and 50's-esque social attitudes. While friendly and content, they haven't ever really been in love. But the birth of their child finally brings her parents out of their depression, so she's proud of herself. Roll credits! Or not... Once she leaves the vault, she will suddenly realize that no one needs her anymore, there are no expectations or goals, and her entire life has been an illusion. Will she implode into miserable self-serving bitterness, or finally make a purpose for herself?

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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:02 pm

Before the bombs hit, Clark was aspiring to be a renowned architect, famous for his beautiful buildings. Now he must apply his skills of... drawing circles... and squares... that's what architects do right? My background research is pretty much limited to just guessing. Numbers are probably involved too. Aaanyways, Charisma and Perception are high to represent the "famous" -part and creativity (I connect Intelligence more with know-how and know-why than creativity). True art is immortal, structural integrity be damned!

That being said, Clark doesn't expect to see many of the buildings he designed after he learns it has been 200 years since the bombs.


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Elena Alina
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:52 am

This is something I'll definitly do, but I'll probably wait til my 2nd character to do that with. I wanna play through with the backstory that Bethesdas given first. Usually when i make a FO backstory, I just pretend like I didnt just come out of the Vault, but instead came from a different part of the country.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:51 am

Bumping for more stories by others.

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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:48 am

My first character, Logan, grew up in Baltimore. He lived a somewhat rough life, getting in fights (and losing) and even robbing people at times. He was a thug basically, but not a horrible person. He just did what he did to survive. Product of his environment. He partyed too much, drank way too much, and was always stealing to get by. In 2070, at the age of 27, Logan steals a brand new Chryslus Motors fusion-driven car. He is caught and sent to prison for 2 years. He is released in 2072 and moves to New York City. With a cleaned up act, he began working in construction. In 2074, he is contracted to construct a small vault under the Vault Tec Industries building in NYC. While there, he meets his future wife. They date for about 2 years, and then get married. They move to Boston a year later, Logan partnering with a construction agency. They live there for about 3 weeks when a man from Vault Tec comes to their door and tells them of their placement in Vault 111, a perk that his wife and her immediate family are rewarded with because of her work with Vault Tec. Bombs hit soon after.

Now, with no family, and no where to go, Logan sets forth 200 years later. Will he slink back into his darker past and become an alcoholic thug? Will he be the leader and builder that he was for the past 4 years? Only time will tell.

S - 2

P - 4

E - 3

C - 6

I - 3

A - 7

L - 3

My 2nd character will be an escaped slave from the Pitt. She will be very against the slavery of the Androids in the Commonwealth.

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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:53 am

Whoo really wanna know what I'm rolling with...?


Many people know the legend of the Lone Wanderer, the man who arose from Vault 101 on a quest to find his father, and wound up embroiled in a war over a massive water purification plant between the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel. However, it would not be the only name he would ever go by.

Two years following the defeat of the Enclave, the Lone Wanderer, a deputized Knight of the Brotherhood, was called upon to help lead an expedition west using one of the Enclaves own Vertibirds to make contact with the west coast chapters. Unfortunately, this expedition went south when the Vertibird went down in NCR territory thanks to the itchy trigger finger of a wasteland marauder testing out the shiny rocket launcher he'd found earlier that day.

One of a few survivors of the crash, the Lone Wanderer and what of his crew was left, were forced to abandon their mission, or else get caught up in the NCR's ongoing troubles with the Brotherhood. Going their own ways, the Lone Wanderer soon became known by a different name as he traveled the western territory...but we all know the story of a man called the Courier, now don't we?

The Big Empty was not a place that was shy of scientific shenanigans, and the Think Tank that held court there were no strangers to strange and ambitious ideas. Time Travel had always been on the table, but never fully explored. But now, the Think Tank had a close ally and asset in the Courier to test out their new project.

The Couriers mission: Go back in time to witness the events that would lead up to the beginning of the end, when the bombs decimated America, and then come back.

And the Courier found himself planted in the pre-war, 2070. Seven years before the end. He integrated himself in the pre-war world, his nature getting him swept up in the conflict and trials of the time, even going so far as to getting married...and having a child...Of whom, when the time was right, he would take back with him...

However, he lost track of time, and before he knew it, the day had come. There was no time to grab the device that would send him, and his family, 200 plus years into the future...But that didn't really we all know.

The Courier eventually awoke 200 years later, near the anniversary of his birth, back in the Wasteland...Alone.

He dared not return to DC...If the time told him anything, no one would know him yet, those stories had not yet been written. Even then, venturing back to DC would risk unraveling his own personal timeline. And he had a vested interest in not being erased from time-space.

On the bright side...he would tell himself...He was at least once more on familiar turf. And with that, the Lone Wanderer went by a new name, the old names left in the dust. The Sole Survivor.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:57 pm

Came here to say that but you beat me to it!
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James Wilson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:48 am

Very loosely based and named after me.

2056: Omar is born in Saint Louis, Missouri. The only child to middle-aged parents.
2060: Omar first meets Emily, his lifelong friend and future wife. They grow up together. The US declares bankruptcy and Omar's father loses his job.
2061: Looking for work to support his son and his wife, his father moves to Washington DC and helps with the construction of Vault 108.
His family moves along with him.
2063: While living in DC Omar is given a BB gun by his father. Reluctant to shoot at first, Omar eventually began to practice shooting Nuka Cola bottles in his basemant and found he had a natural talent.
2065: Supportive of his son's new hobby, his father buys him a cheap, used laser pistol. Omar tinkers with the gun adding a glass scope and creates a makeshift laser sniper rifle. He falls in love with the gun, mastering it inside and out.
2069: Vault 108's construction is completed and having gathered enough savings Omar's family moves back to Saint Louis and lives in an apartment. Omar reconnects with Emily, and they begin a relationship.
2070: On a whim Omar decides he wants to join the United States Navy to become a sniper. His family is supportive but when he tells Emily she reluctantly disagrees, but he vows to come back for her.
2074: Omar enlists on active duty and is sent to bootcamp. After graduating at the top of his class he is stationed in Boston, Massachusetts.
Emily moves in with Omar and they buy a home together.
2075: Omar and Emily get married.
2076: Omar receives orders for his first spec ops mission where he registers his first kill. Emily becomes pregnant.
2077: Omar returns home just in time to witness Shaun's birth in January, they continue to live a happy life until the bombs dropped on October 23rd.
The story starts when he's 21.

My character will be a stealthy sniper who uses a laser sniper rifle to pick off single targets and explosives for large groups of enemies and planting them silently on people (;
He's naturally a loner, but he doesn't mind the company of Dogmeat. He's still holding out hope that Emily managed to survive and he continues to search for any clues regarding this.
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:27 pm

Bumping for others, Just a few days til release date guys! :D

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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:22 pm

Name: Connor
Age: 32
Playstyle: Melee user, Guns as backup, Tank
Morality: Bad. Loves to be brutal and vulgar.
S - 7
P - 2
E - 7
C - 6
I - 1
A - 2
L - 3
Big Leagues
Lady Killer
Adamantium Skeleton
2255 - Connor is born in the Pitt to Slaver parents. 5 months later, the BoS, led by Lyons, attacks and kills almost every Raider and Slaver within a night. Connor's parents escaped with him, 2 friends, and a slave. They traveled South East towards Philadelphia.
2258 - After 3 grueling years, killing every person they ran across and eating them to survive, feeding human meat to Connor as well, Connors family finally arrives in Philly and finds a portion of the city set up as a settlement.
2260 - Connor's mother brutally murders their slave in front of Connor. She bashes her head in repeatedly, even trying to tear her head off with her bare hands. The father was having six with the slave. Thats why.
2263 - Connor strangles a young boy his age. They were friends, and Connor just wanted to kill. Not angry or anything. He hid the body and no one ever suspected him. He was very good at lying.
2265 - Connor's father kills their mother. He grabs a really large hammer and bashes her in the face a couple of times. Then he picks her up and slams her head onto the ground. The residents of Philly grab him and condemn him to death. Connor runs away while his dad starts attacking people.
2266 - Connor travels to Newark. His first year is spent traveling the mazes of debris and fighting off Mutants. He eventually finds a settlement called Ironbound.
2267 - Connor joins a gang. There are multiple settlements, and Connors gang will go and rob them.
2270 - Connor finds and goes to another gangs leader from the town of Hudson Park while hes out with a small crew and requests his weapons supply. The guy refuses and laughs in his face. Connor cracks his neck with a crowbar, kills the crew, and then stomps on his face to make sure hes dead. He tells his gangs leader what happened. The gang leader is pissed off. The enemy gang attacks shortly after and a battle ensues. While they fight, Connor organizes some people to steal the enemies weapons with him. They are succesful. They return after the battle. Neither gang won the battle, losing a good amount of people, but because of Connor, they had won the war, with all the enemies weapons. The gang leader flips out at Connor. Connor listens, and then laughs. The gang leader comes at him. Connor shoots him full of holes with his newly acquired guns. He then bashes in his head with a crowbar, just so everyone knows what the deal is. Connor takes over the little thief gang.
2273 - Connors gang is a full fledged killing squad. They extort money out of the settlements and protect them from Mutants, which has been a growing problem, as they pour out of New York City and have taken over most of Jersey City. The Mutants at this point have figured out the Gangs usual attack strategy. They form into a new attack position and a huge battle that leaves a lot of people dead ensues. Connor realizes that the people are too weak. Within 3 months of building relationships with the people in power in the town, Connor finds himself in a position to take over Ironbound and he becomes the new leader.
2279 - Connor has taken over the various settlements and they are ready for war any day. He has turned everyone into a killer like himself. The Mutants attack, but the peoples defense at this point is impenetrable.
2281 - Connor has a child with one of his many many girlfriends. He is very happy about this.
2282 - A huge radiation storm comes through out of the city. It lasts for 3 days and any one caught in it without protection would be affected heavily. The super mutants of course attacked during the storm, but there werent enough protective gear to support everyone. The super mutants were able to fight their way in, which split the defenses guarding the wall and guarding the inside now. People ran out into the storm to fight, but within the chaos, more Mutants came in. Houses started burning in the green darkness of the storm. Connor, with protective gear, defended the city the best he could with the people he still had. By the next morning, the storm was finally clear. Connor assessed the damage of his town. He then found his girlfriend and child dead in his home. Super Mutants had broken into a few homes, and his was one. He was less upset about losing them and more upset about the fact that it made him look weak.
2285 - BoS sweep through. The peoples initial reaction is to kill, but that turns out to be a mistake. The BoS begin to slaughter anyone who fights back. Connor sees he has no way to win this situation, and he remembers the stories of The Scourge on the the Pitt, so he again flees. He heads North.
2287 - Connor arrives in Boston.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:03 am

I've weirdly never done background stories for characters.. I make up personality traits on the fly and try to stick to them but that's about the extent of it.

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John N
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