So since Building is something that I'm guessing most people will try out, How will you go about it? Will you build multiple settlements around the land or just one house somewhere? Would you want to build your house or settlements near the main city of Boston or near the dockyards or in the woods of the commonwealth? Any specific plans for the layout n whatnot?
I will probably build just 1 settlement at first, my main one. I'd like it to be out by itself, maybe on the coast near a pier, but somewhat close to the city. That way I can have a good trade route with Diamond City and still feel independent. Might make my people real militarized, making guns and armor to trade.
If I run into a companion that I really like, eventually I'll create another settlement for that person to run. I'll make it completely different from mine just to give it a different character. I've been reading the Walking Dead comics so I'm thinking along the lines of that, with how I want the settlements to be. Alexandria is my settlement, The Hilltop is my Companions settlement.
Also, I'll have a secret house somewhere very secluded, just incase [censored] goes down at my town, or I decide to make my character just change and turn bad, or If my character is in a romance with another and I just have to get away from her sometimes. I'll have somewhere I can escape to. Lol.