Tweeted by @Fallout (The Official Fallout Twitter account) - is this a strong hint at new, more advanced, power armor in Fallout 4?
Tweeted by @Fallout (The Official Fallout Twitter account) - is this a strong hint at new, more advanced, power armor in Fallout 4?
Possibly, I wouldn't be surprised considering technology has been being developed after the Great War, Enclave armor was incredibly high-technology beyond anything produced before the Great War, so considering the technological marvels brought about by students from the Institute, I wouldn't be surprised to see all sorts of advanced weapons and armors coming out of there.
Added the twitter link
Being able to customize your power armor is not the same thing as having access to more advanced power armor. It's like being able to custom build a PC and having Nvidia/AMD/Intel/etc come out with better components. Sure, you can build a better computer than most stock computers with the old parts, but having access to the new parts means you can do even better.
We've already seen the T-60 Power Armor, and that video leaves out other, more advanced power armors (the Tesla and APA from Fallout 2/New Vegas). It also has other mistakes. It's not a very well-written video.
My best guess is that T-60 Power Armor was in development at CIT (Commonwealth Institute of Technology) when the bombs fell. That would explain why it has never been seen anywhere outside of the Boston area.
probably the T-60 Power Armor is a new type of Power Armor made by the Brotherhood after seeing what the Enclave had on DC. After the war with the enclave the Brotherhood there got a lot of tec. so is possible they star researching new technologies.
An official video hinting that "maybe there's some secret power armor development in Boston" is proof enough for me that we'll see more advanced models than we've ever seen before. It was pretty likely anyway, given what we know of the Institute, but this essentially confirms it.